Grouping question

  • I have the following data:

    File Description Points

    1001- Industrial 100

    1001-001 Barker 200

    1001-002 Curry 175

    1002- Buildings 375

    1003- HVAC 225

    1003-001 Wing School 125

    I am grouping on the substring (1,4) of File but need the description that goes with first or min File only. I need the data from all records. The results should look like this:

    1001- Industrial 475

    1002- Buildings 375

    1003- HVAC 350

  • Assuming the space after hyphen is intentional to indicate heading then

    ;WITH cte (ID,Heading,FileDescription,Points)

    AS (

    SELECT LEFT(FileDescription,4) AS [ID],SUBSTRING(FileDescription,6,1) AS [Heading],FileDescription,Points

    FROM @a


    SELECT cte.FileDescription,SUM(p.Points) AS [Points]

    FROM cte

    JOIN cte p ON p.ID = cte.ID

    WHERE cte.Heading = ' '

    GROUP BY cte.FileDescription

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.


    LEFT(File, 4) AS File,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(File, 6, 1) = '' THEN Description ELSE '' END) AS Description,

    SUM(Points) AS Points

    FROM dbo.tablename

    GROUP BY LEFT(File, 4)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Thanks - the Max with case worked - just had to modify for null values.

  • Here's another version which uses ROW_NUMBER()...

    ;WITH cte (ID, SeqID, FileDescription, Points)

    AS (

    SELECT LEFT(FileDescription,4) AS [ID],


    OVER (

    PARTITION BY LEFT (FileDescription, 4)

    ORDER BY LEFT (FileDescription, 4)

    ) AS SeqID,



    FROM <<Table Name>>


    SELECT cte.FileDescription, SUM(p.Points) AS [Points]

    FROM cte

    JOIN cte p ON p.ID = cte.ID

    WHERE cte.SeqID = 1

    GROUP BY cte.FileDescription

    - Rex

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