Grouping with formula

  • tblmystudent

    records | course           | course_level  | major  |        male | female


    I          | English           | Cert            | Languages     | 10  | 34

    I          | Child Care       | Diploma       | Social Sc       | 45  | 12

    I          | Human Think   | Diploma        | Social Sc       | 2   | 23

    E         | Psychology     | Diploma        | Social Sc       | 56  | 23

    E         | Counselling      | Diploma       | Social Sc       | 23  | 12

    G         | Motivation       | Diploma       | Social Sc       | 2   | 12

    G         | Brain Dev        | Diploma       | Social Sc       | 3   | 9

    E         | France           | Cert            | Languages     | 5   | 7

    I          | Adv English     | Diploma       | Languages     | 7   | 4

    How to group by major?

    The formula is,

    Registered_Student = (I + E) - G

    The expected result shown as follow

    major         | cert_male  | cert_female| diploma_male  | diploma_female


    Languages  | 15            | 41            | 7                  | 4

    Social Sc    | 0              | 0             | 121               | 49


    please help me

  • You're looking for a Pivot function...  for SQL 2000 there are alot of posts here, do a search for Pivot script on this site... same for SQL 2005 which has a built in Pivot Funtion.


  • I don't get how you are coming up with your numbers......for example:

    Languages, there are three language courses which have a total of 22 Males, but you are only counting two language classes. How do you determine which to use?

    And what is the purpose of the 'formula'? You can't add and subtract letters (I+E)-G won't work.


  • Bill - the #s are summed based on course_level of "cert" or "diploma"..

    the formula is not adding/subtracting letters but the #s in the columns associated with them..however, I still don't understand the formula itself...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Try this:

    declare @tblmystudent table(records char(1),course varchar(20),course_level varchar(10),major varchar(20),male int,female int)

    insert @tblmystudent values('I','English','Cert','Languages','10','34')

    insert @tblmystudent values('I','ChildCare','Diploma','SocialSc','45','12')

    insert @tblmystudent values('I','HumanThink','Diploma','SocialSc','2','23')

    insert @tblmystudent values('E','Psychology','Diploma','SocialSc','56','23')

    insert @tblmystudent values('E','Counselling','Diploma','SocialSc','23','12')

    insert @tblmystudent values('G','Motivation','Diploma','SocialSc','2','12')

    insert @tblmystudent values('G','BrainDev','Diploma','SocialSc','3','9')

    insert @tblmystudent values('E','France','Cert','Languages','5','7')

    insert @tblmystudent values('I','AdvEnglish','Diploma','Languages','7','4')

    select major

    , sum(case when course_level = 'cert' then case when records = 'G' then -1 * male else male end end) as cert_male

    , sum(case when course_level = 'cert' then case when records = 'G' then -1 * female else female end end) as cert_female

    , sum(case when course_level = 'Diploma' then case when records = 'G' then -1 * male else male end end) as diploma_male

    , sum(case when course_level = 'Diploma' then case when records = 'G' then -1 * female else female end end) as diploma_female

    from @tblmystudent

    group by major


  • I agree with you, but that doesn't explain the results which was my point. There are three language classes with a total of 22 Males. The three language classes have two I's and one E. That's 22, not 15.


  • Bill,

    15 are of level "cert" and 7 are of level "diploma" which are broken out into separate columns.

  • I was trying an approach that I hoped would be more flexible since I am assuming this is test data.  I ran into an odd problem I cannot figure out. 

    DECLARE @Student TABLE( Records char(1),

                                                Course varchar(15),

                                                Course_Level varchar(15),

                                                Major varchar(15),

                                                Male integer,

                                                Female integer)

    INSERT INTO @Student

    SELECT 'I', 'English', 'Certification', 'Languages', 10,  34 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'I', 'Child Care', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 45, 12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'I', 'Human Think', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 2, 23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E', 'Psychology', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 56, 23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E', 'Counselling', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 23, 12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'G', 'Motivation', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 2, 12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'G', 'Brain Dev', 'Diploma', 'Social Science', 3, 9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'E', 'France', 'Certification', 'Languages', 5, 7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'I','Adv English', 'Diploma', 'Languages', 7, 4

    DECLARE @OutPut TABLE( Major varchar(15),

                                               Cert_Male integer,

                                               Cert_Female integer,

                                               Diploma_Male integer,

                                               Diploma_Female integer)

    INSERT INTO @OutPut( Major)


    UPDATE @OutPut SET

         Cert_Male = CASE

                                    WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Certification'

                                    THEN S.Male


         Cert_Female = CASE

                                        WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Certification'

                                        THEN S.Female


         Diploma_Male = CASE

                                           WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Diploma'

                                           THEN S.Male


         Diploma_Female = CASE

                                              WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Diploma'

                                              THEN S.Female


    FROM @OutPut O

       INNER JOIN( SELECT Major, Course_Level,

                                        SUM( Male) AS Male, SUM( Female) AS Female

                           FROM @Student

                           GROUP BY Major, Course_Level) S ON( O.Major = S.Major)

    SELECT Major,

                 ISNULL( Cert_Male, 0) AS Cert_Male,

                 ISNULL( Cert_Female, 0) AS Cert_Female,

                 ISNULL( Diploma_Male, 0) AS Diploma_Male,

                 ISNULL( Diploma_Female, 0) AS Diploma_Female

    FROM @OutPut

    ORDER BY Major


    Major           Cert_Male   Cert_Female Diploma_Male Diploma_Female

    --------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ --------------

    Languages       0.00        0.00        7.00         4.00

    Social Science  0.00        0.00        131.00       91.00


    But the subselect yields:

    SELECT Major, Course_Level,

                 SUM( Male) AS Male, SUM( Female) AS Female

    FROM @Student

    GROUP BY Major, Course_Level

    Major           Course_Level    Male        Female     

    --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------

    Languages       Certification   15.00       41.00

    Languages       Diploma         7.00        4.00

    Social Science  Diploma         131.00      91.00


    Why are my Cert_Male and Cert_Female empty?  [Obviously I had not dealt with the "G" records yet...]

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Becuase when the second row of the subquery is being processed, the CERT* columns are being set to null because the case is returning null for them.

    Check out the following query:



                                    WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Certification'

                                    THEN S.Male

                                Else Cert_male   

                            END Cert_Male,


                                        WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Certification'

                                        THEN S.Female

                                Else Cert_female   

                                END Cert_Female,


                                           WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Diploma'

                                           THEN S.Male

                                Else Diploma_Male   

                                  END Diploma_Male,


                                              WHEN S.Course_Level = 'Diploma'

                                              THEN S.Female

                                            else Diploma_Female

                                     END Diploma_Female, s.*

    FROM @OutPut O

       INNER JOIN( SELECT Major, Course_Level,

                                        SUM( Male) AS Male, SUM( Female) AS Female

                           FROM @Student

                           GROUP BY Major, Course_Level) S ON( O.Major = S.Major)


    Also, what is more flexible about your approach?  It looks much more complicated and requires many more joins to the Student table.

  • Sorry, but that did not fix it. 

    I was planning on making the Course_Level a selection from the data rather than a "hardcode"...  Hence, my idea of flexibility.  May not have worked...  oil well.. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • The query wasn't to fix it, it was to point out the problem.  The query produces the following output:

    Cert_Male Cert_Female Diploma_Male Diploma_Female Major        Course_Level Male Female

    15       41         NULL         NULL           Languages       Certification 15   41

    NULL     NULL       7             4               Languages       Diploma       7     4

    NULL     NULL       131           91             Social Science  Diploma       131   91

    After the first update to @Ouput, the values for the "Languages" row are OK.  When the second row of the set is applied, Cert* column values are overwritten with the NULL values.

  • I don't understand what you are saying... 

    If I try this with a RIGHT JOIN, it updates the Certificate fields, but not the Languages- Diploma fields... What is being overwritten there? 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • First, the else statements that I added don't work, they only ever return the initial state of the @Output table.

    After the first "Languages" row is applied to the @OutPut table and all columns are updated, the data looks like

    Languages - 15 - 41 - NULL - NULL

    Now the second row is applied and the same row in the @OutPut table is updated and all columns are reset to the values of the CASE statement, the data looks like:

    Languages - NULL - NULL - 7 - 4

    This is because for that row, the values of Cert_Male and Cert_Female are NULL

    Check out the following example:

    --create a 2 tables

    declare @table1 table (rowid int, val1 int, val2 int)

    insert @table1 values (1, 1, 1)

    insert @table1 values (1, 2, 2)

    declare @table2 table (rowid int, total int)

    insert @table2 values (1, NULL)

    --update the total to the sum of the 2 vales in table1

    update t2

    set = t1.val1 + t1.val2

    from @table2 t2

    inner join @table1 t1

    on t1.rowid = t2.rowid

    --What do you expect the answer to be? 2? 4? 6? 

    select * from @table2

    --You will get either 2 or 4 depending on which row the server applies second

    --create another table

    declare @table3 table (rowid int, val1 int, val2 int)

    insert @table3 values (1, NULL, NULL)

    update t3

    set t3.val1 = t1.val1

        ,t3.val2 = t1.val2

    from @table3 t3

    inner join @table1 t1

    on t1.rowid = t3.rowid

    --again the values will be either 1-1-1  or 1-2-2 depending on which row is applied second

    select * from @table3

  • This is sooo simple and my head was just not getting around it!  Thank you!!! 

    (I am still playing with this so no hardcoding is needed as I have run across so many instances of this kind of query and they promise "No further types will be included" and six months later they add one or two and you cannot remember all of the SP's that depend upon that...) 

    Thanks for sticking out my brain f#rt... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • tq everyone. especially mr. JeffB. your solution give me an idea to solve it.

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