Grow Your Family

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Grow Your Family

  • You might find a new good friend, a contact that you can call for help, or a colleague that calls to offer you a new job.

    Actually the last line was most impressive. đŸ™‚

  • This is timely. I'd like (ok, I need!) to do more networking but it seems like the UK has less of a culture of it than the US and Canada. I'm going to make myself go to something this month, but I am slightly dreading it!

  • Beatrix, where are you based? There should be a user group[/url] near you. They're only about once a month, so it's not much of a time commitment unless you decide to get more involved.


    Edit - typo

  • At my next event - the Belgian SQL Server Days - I will meet other speakers I've never met before, such as Thomas Larock, Karen Lopez, Mark G Stacey, Alex Whittles, Stacia Misner and Scott Klein.

    I'll definately get my 3-person quota đŸ˜€

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  • John Mitchell-245523 (10/18/2013)

    Beatrix, where are you based? There should be a user group[/url] near you. There only about once a month, so it's not much of a time commitment unless you decide to get more involved.


    I'm in London. Thanks for that; I think I signed up for one of those yesterday. I signed up for a few! It's a bit intimidating, but I'm sure the first time is the hardest. You all seem to get a lot out of it.

  • Is there any group in India ?

  • India's a big place, but Google seems to think so ;-). Is this any use for starters?

  • Beatrix Kiddo (10/18/2013)

    This is timely. I'd like (ok, I need!) to do more networking but it seems like the UK has less of a culture of it than the US and Canada. I'm going to make myself go to something this month, but I am slightly dreading it!

    Couldn't agree more! I'm going to break myself in gently by going to the SQL Relay in November (Manchester, UK) and then get to one of the meetings of the Leeds SQL Server User Groups -


  • Nick Hodgson (10/18/2013)

    Beatrix Kiddo (10/18/2013)

    This is timely. I'd like (ok, I need!) to do more networking but it seems like the UK has less of a culture of it than the US and Canada. I'm going to make myself go to something this month, but I am slightly dreading it!

    Couldn't agree more! I'm going to break myself in gently by going to the SQL Relay in November (Manchester, UK) and then get to one of the meetings of the Leeds SQL Server User Groups -


    I'm considering going to the SQL Relay in Manchester. I'm very new to SQL Server and I'm after as much help as I can get.

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    —Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

    How to post a question to get the most help

  • I work freelance, often outside of any major city here in the UK, so I find it difficult to attend during the week. During the weekend I have other commitments (family & hockey mainly). Whilst I would like to see more people face-to-face, I do find that those of us who only have an online presence in the community are made as welcome as those who meet face-to-face. Obviously, when you meet people in person there is an opportunity of a more of a intimate bonding, however, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be completely absent otherwise...and for that I thank you all.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Yes!!! Of course I want to network... The thing is, there are hardly any events in Mexico City... Are you willing to organize them?

  • GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't even realize this was going on Monday or I would have joined! =(

    Although I don't have much problem walking up to just about anyone and start a conversation =)

  • I'm not much of a networker. I should work on that. But I've gotta say that since I started developing in SQL a few years ago, I have found this community to be extremely generous with their time and knowledge. With almost every question I've had, I've been able to find where users have already freely shared about the topic. It's a most impressive community!

  • I only discovered #sqlfamily (the hashtag, and the virtual family) last year, but I'm glad I did, and love being part of the group. I am presenting for the first time at an upcoming SQL Saturday, and am looking forward to making lots of new friends and acquaintances.

    Hakim Ali

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