Gullibility Factor Test

  • /*  Off-Topic Disclaimer */

    For the SQL Server-centric, nothing for you to see here...move along now. 

    But if you're in need of a diversion, check out:

    I'm proud to post the following (abbreviated) comments regarding the results of my test:

    "Free Thinker

    Welcome to the top 5%.

    If you were in The Matrix, you would have taken the red pill, completed the combat training, and started fighting (and beating) agents from day one. "

      /*      Humor disclaimer    */ 

    LOL...since I live in a 'red' state, does that mean that I'm going to be evicted now?  ***JUST KIDDING*** 

    Curious to see how others do if you feel like posting your results. 



    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Looks like I copied your answers. Some of their "correct" answers didn't seem entirely plausible, though.

  • Agreed to a point.  They do seem to have an axe to grind, particularly with regard to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

    I got curious after a friend that I had e-mailed this to also received the exact same score as I did.  So, in the interest of Science and thinking the site might just be a shameless plug for the book, I went back and entered answers completely opposite of what I entered originally just to see if the score would change.

    It did.  This is what it scored:

    "Your GF score is 16

    Mind slave

    You are a total mind slave, utterly controlled by corporate and government interests. Even though you think you are a free person living in a free society, all your beliefs, decisions and behaviors have been decided for you. You are easy to manipulate and represent the "ideal consumer" desired by Big Business and organized medicine. Government likes you, too, as you will always do what you are told and rarely question the reality constructed for you by authority figures. "

    LOL...sad thing is, I actually know people like this.   

    But anyway, I guess it's still to early to call 'shenanigans' on this site.  And it was a good diversion for a minute or two. 

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • OK - I'll admit that I knew a lot of those according to their facts, but I will disagree with the ADHD quote. ADHD is quite real, if seriously over-diagnosed (especially in boys). I knew someone with this problem who is now in his 50's. He has a really hard time maintaining focus on anything and it can be a little strange talking to him because he's paying really good attention to you while his eyes flit to just about everything else constantly.

    Yeah, the site does seem to have a beef with the pharmaceutical industry - sometimes justified, but not in all cases. Reminds me a little of Kevin Trudeau's Cures They Don't Want You to Know (or something like that). Segment on the news debunked an awful lot of that stuff by showing real people who followed that advice and were seriously hurt or their condition worsened because of it.

    Agreed that it was a good diversion for a minute or two.


  • twas an interesting diversion for the afternoon in our shop ... all 7 system engineers took the test ... then we had fun with the results ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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