Happy Birthday

  • I would like the AC fixed in my truck, or maybe just a new truck. Nothing fancy. An S-10 with under 50k miles would be great, or maybe a Tacoma, they look good.

  • I'd like a summer vacation, like when I was kid. Ten weeks off with nothing to do but figure out how to best fill up the day. (My wife is a schoolteacher, gets 6 weeks each summer, and tells me this is a bigger fantasy than a Porsche.)


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Happy Birthday to you Steve, and to all celebrating one this month.

    What do I want for my birthday? Nuttin!!!

    Actually, 4 years ago (on my 50th) I officially announced to my family and co-workers that from then on out, I was moving backwards in age. So far the plan is going great! I am 46 again, and since the presents are much better the younger you are (and get), well, what could I possibly ask for?

    I strongly suggest to all to plan an upcoming birthday as your time to start moving backwards in age. However, do be careful in your planning as one downside is that if you live long enough, you can eventually run into non-existence. :w00t:

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...
  • Happy Birthday from rainy Brighton, CO!

    My wife and I both turned 50 this year (she beat me by a couple of months, but we don't mention that). My birthday was like yours, quiet dinner of steak and potatoes at home. Hers was exactly what she asked for: a '50s Sock Hop at the local elementary school. Seeing her grin from ear to ear while she did the Bop was all I wanted.

  • First, Happy B-Day to Steve.

    Second, My birthday is in June. If things go well, I may get the opportunity to marry off one daughter, and see the other graduate from college next June. While I will end up paying for most of that, it will be well worth it as my joy comes from my family being happy.

    Of course, if neither of these events occur, I would like to become at least slightly musically gifted to be able to play guitar with my friends once in a while when out camping or just hanging out in a garage.

  • Hi, Steve

    You have been my "rock," my "support" and the "Wind Beneath My Wings," always. Happy Birthday! Love, MJ A/K/A MOM

  • Happy Birthday Steve! I "celebrated" my 49th 2 weeks ago.

    I have two dreams, one is to win a large Power Ball jackpot, and use a good chunk of that to start yet another youth soccer club in Colorado Springs (already have a name for it!).

    The other is to buy a Honda Goldwing and ride it up the Alaska Highway.

    Don't think either of those may happen in the near or distant future unfortunately.

    Other than that, I just want to celebrate the day with family, but no gifts please. I'd rather go out and buy what I want whenever if we have the money to afford it.


  • Time.

    No work, no honey-do's.

    Kids homework is done.

    Good surf from dawn to dusk, plenty of food, family and friends, acoustic music.

  • Almost 10 years ago, I went to training out of town, and coun't rent the car because I forgot that my driver license expired on my birthday (it expried 1 day before my rental car agreement start, but I learned that yesterday was my birthday from a rental car agent). I had to take taxi from San Jose airport to San Mateo and taxi from hotel to and from my class.

    I haven't learn my lesson yet, so last year I found out that I was a few years older then 30. When someone ask me how old I am, I just told them I am 14 🙂 Now I told people that I am 21.

    For my birthday wishes: I want to spend time in the company of my family and friends. That's exactly what I did this year. Invite family and friends over for a bbq at my back yard (I didn't tell them it's my birthday, because I don't want them to bring any gift), and we all had a great time.

    Happy Birthday Steve!


  • I've already had my birthday this year, but it was kind of special. I was born in 1954 and turned 54 this year. My husband bought me new handgrips, footpegs, and a couple of other accessories for my '07 HD Deluxe. He used to buy jewelry for me, now he buys it for my Harley. I can't afford my dream car, but I have my dream bike. 🙂

  • Merry birthday, Steve. I'm sure you'll enjoy the day.

    As for me? I'll probably go to work on my birthday, as always. I celebrate and give myself whatever I want all year long, so I try to do something different on my birthday. Heh.

  • Happy birthday Steve

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Happy Birthday Steve

    I just welcomed 42 and it's not a big deal. I used to celebrate for a week. lol

    I am one to always give others what they want. This year my hubby really tried to get something for me. He bought me a 16 g Itouch ipod. This was before the price decrease. I could not swallow the 600 price tag which included a case and a 3 yr warranty. So I returned it and gave each twin an 8g itouch. Seems fair, since I love my 60g classic. By the way, I did get a case of Pellegrino sparkling water. I'm too easy. I know. Keeping it simple keeps my feelings happy. lol

  • Happy Birthday Steve.

    What I want most for my birthday is to be able to celebrate my next birthday 😛


  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]Happy Birthday, Steve!:kiss:[/font]

    I have given my roommate two tickets to a play several times (the deal is she has to take me along) -- somehow she never thinks to find a play I'd like and get them for me.

    Other than that a hot tub would be nice.

    Or thinking really big, I could use a utility room added onto my house.:D

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