Hard Code Setup of TCP Port on Instance Required by 3rd Party Vendor

  • We have, a Database production server, SQL Server 2005 SP2(OS Windows 2003 Enterprise SP2) currently with 3 named instances installed. No Default instances exists on this server. I have being ask to create a new named instance to host a db for a 3rd party vendor application. The integrators has sent us a Network Settings sheet indicating that as part of the instance installation set up, it is required that the TCP/IP is set to enabled(no problem here) but also other settings on the IP Address Tag. these are on IP2 TCP Port = 1433, on IP3 TCP Port =1422 and on IPALL TCP dynamic Ports = 1179 and TCP Port =1433.

    We know that by default SQL Server listens for incoming connections on port 1433. Server is inside firewall so we allowed the named insatances to use dynamics ports. However how this set up will affect if anything the rest of the instances on the server?

    Also, server value for IPALL TCP dynamic Ports is 2251 not 1179? Could this be a problem for the application? What does this value means?

    Integrators can't answer any of the questions above, they said they have always use this setup.

    Any answer to the above will be great. thanks.

  • If you set the instance to use a TCP port, it will use that one (if available when the instance starts). I believe the dynamic assignment is done after the other instances with fixed ports start up.

    Will it conflict with something else? No way to know. You can run netstat on your current server and look for which ports are being used.

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