Hardware Configuration for SQL server

  • HI All,

    i want to build a doc in which i want to show that with increasing load how the hardwae configuration e.g. procressor, RAM etc. will be increased. Also i want to recoomend a base hardware configuration for my application, the details of the app is as follow

    thin client (ASP, VB and SQL Server)

    Data size initially 1 GB then will grow at a rate of 200 MB monthly.

    Now based on the above requirements i want to recommend the SQL server version and Hardware configuration which should be able to accomodate the requirements decently and also scalable.

    Waiting for reply.



  • I would start by reading through microsoft white papers on scailablility. There are several factors above and beyond what you have listed. Number of people connecting to it, concurrent connections, and amount of data per client just to name a few. A database with 10gb of data and 10,000 clients needs something drasticly diffrent than a 1TB database with 2 clients attached. No one here can give you a blanket recommendation.


  • We've found that specifying the hardware correctly is of far less importance than carefully tuning queries and using ADO's ability to reduce round trips by grabbing multiple recordsets at once.

    You've worded your requirements quite generally. If you're going to grow at 200MB per month forever, you'll never have enough RAM to keep the whole DB in memory. So don't even try. Just use good programming techniques such as proper use of indexes, well written queries; and a fast fat disk system. And until you can adequately judge the number of concurrent users, you have no idea what your basic hardware requirements are.

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

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