
  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    David Benoit (3/1/2011)

    SKYBVI (3/1/2011)

    The question should clearly tell that there are MULTIPLE ANSWERS..



    Agreed. I would have chosen more than one but since it didn't say that I chose only the one that I knew best to be correct. Oh well.

    What about the questions where it could be multiple choices and there's actually just 1 valid answer? Those are the harder questions we have here. Bottom line is that you should know the answer, and that by itself will tell you wether you need to answer 1 or more options.

    Totally agree. Just stating that I had looked at the description thinking that there was more than one right answer there and since I didn't see it I chose only one. Regardless, a good question, and I'm not complaining about fairness. I should have tried to select more than 1 and my knowledge should have been that much more solid so that I was totally sure of what all the correct answers were.

    Thanks for the encouragement. (being sincere πŸ™‚ )



    β€œHe is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Thanks for the question - I liked it.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Nice question Steve.

    I know the Page Split is a problem with some updates.

    Actualy glad to be wrong about it being a poblem on M$ SQL server when updating just one row.


    Is this how it worked on SQL 2000? Just curious.

  • Thanks for the question, though like a number of others I am confused about why 4 1000 byte rows would fill a 8192 byte page. (I know there is overhead, but not 100%.)

    In any case, nice question, and another reason why you probably don't want to use heaps for tables that get updated often.

  • Great question, thanks.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    SKYBVI (3/1/2011)

    ChazMan (3/1/2011)

    I'm still confused about how the page is full. Since data pages are 8K and we are only using 4K, how is that full?

    Also, in my opinion, the question should have stated (check all that apply). If it did I missed that.

    Ya exactly, but some genuis guys thinks....Regards,


    Hey dude you got 5 points backs from all your posts. Also NOW you know how this site works. care to let it go??

    ROFLMAO.. Since there has yet to be a re-action to his post, wouldn't that would require breaking one of the laws of ThermoDynamics?

    I guess only if a forum FLAME caused real heat. :cool::w00t:

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    SKYBVI (3/1/2011)

    ChazMan (3/1/2011)

    I'm still confused about how the page is full. Since data pages are 8K and we are only using 4K, how is that full?

    Also, in my opinion, the question should have stated (check all that apply). If it did I missed that.

    Ya exactly, but some genuis guys thinks that if they have mentioned checkboxes, then they dont need to specify "check all that apply"



    Hey dude you got 5 points backs from all your posts. Also NOW you know how this site works. care to let it go??

    I just mentioned at the fault of the question being put up...

    I dont care abt points....

    U can deduct my all points......



    Sushant Kumar

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    SKYBVI (3/1/2011)

    ChazMan (3/1/2011)

    I'm still confused about how the page is full. Since data pages are 8K and we are only using 4K, how is that full?

    Also, in my opinion, the question should have stated (check all that apply). If it did I missed that.

    Ya exactly, but some genuis guys thinks that if they have mentioned checkboxes, then they dont need to specify "check all that apply"



    Hey dude you got 5 points backs from all your posts. Also NOW you know how this site works. care to let it go??

    LMAO. SKYBVI, answers with checkboxes would mean there are multiple choices as someone mentioned before. Also don't get distracted from the main topic as everyone wants to understand the question and the real answers.

    No offence.


    Amol Naik

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    What about the questions where it could be multiple choices and there's actually just 1 valid answer? Those are the harder questions we have here. Bottom line is that you should know the answer, and that by itself will tell you wether you need to answer 1 or more options.

    If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that it is possible to have questions which have checkboxes but where only one answer is correct?

    I've submitted a few questions myself now, and that doesn't appear to be the case. Basically, you enter the answers to the questions, and then select the one(s) that is/are correct. If you select only one then it's a simple multiple choice with radio buttons, and if you select more than one then it's a select all that apply with checkboxes.

    So the bottom line is if you see checkboxes you need to select at least 2 answers, otherwise you would see radio buttons. Does that make sense? :crazy:


  • Really nice question by the way, I learnt a few new things today.


  • Duncan Pryde (3/2/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    What about the questions where it could be multiple choices and there's actually just 1 valid answer? Those are the harder questions we have here. Bottom line is that you should know the answer, and that by itself will tell you wether you need to answer 1 or more options.

    If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that it is possible to have questions which have checkboxes but where only one answer is correct?

    I've submitted a few questions myself now, and that doesn't appear to be the case. Basically, you enter the answers to the questions, and then select the one(s) that is/are correct. If you select only one then it's a simple multiple choice with radio buttons, and if you select more than one then it's a select all that apply with checkboxes.

    So the bottom line is if you see checkboxes you need to select at least 2 answers, otherwise you would see radio buttons. Does that make sense? :crazy:


    I'll have to take your word on this one. I have not submitted a multiple choice answer here, ever.

    Maybe I'm confusing with past exams where that was the case.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (3/2/2011)

    Duncan Pryde (3/2/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (3/1/2011)

    What about the questions where it could be multiple choices and there's actually just 1 valid answer? Those are the harder questions we have here. Bottom line is that you should know the answer, and that by itself will tell you wether you need to answer 1 or more options.

    If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that it is possible to have questions which have checkboxes but where only one answer is correct?

    I've submitted a few questions myself now, and that doesn't appear to be the case. Basically, you enter the answers to the questions, and then select the one(s) that is/are correct. If you select only one then it's a simple multiple choice with radio buttons, and if you select more than one then it's a select all that apply with checkboxes.

    So the bottom line is if you see checkboxes you need to select at least 2 answers, otherwise you would see radio buttons. Does that make sense? :crazy:


    I'll have to take your word on this one. I have not submitted a multiple choice answer here, ever.

    Maybe I'm confusing with past exams where that was the case.

    I have definitely seen MS exam questions where you could select anywhere from 1 to n answers, although they seem to have disappeared these days.

    However, in the submission form for QOD, I just can't see any way for a question to have only one correct answer without it becoming a radio-button question. I think I had an idea for a question where it needed to be multi-select but have the possibility of only one correct answer, but I was thwarted by the submission format.

    It would get really interesting if you could submit questions which were multi-select but had no correct answers at all. Or would that just be cruel?

  • Duncan Pryde (3/2/2011)

    It would get really interesting if you could submit questions which were multi-select but had no correct answers at all. Or would that just be cruel?

    One of the math professors at university once did a theory exam with all "true or false" questions.

    All the answers were false. That was cruel... πŸ™‚

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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  • Koen Verbeeck (3/2/2011)

    Duncan Pryde (3/2/2011)

    It would get really interesting if you could submit questions which were multi-select but had no correct answers at all. Or would that just be cruel?

    One of the math professors at university once did a theory exam with all "true or false" questions.

    All the answers were false. That was cruel... πŸ™‚

    No, that's a true test of characters. !

  • Koen Verbeeck (3/2/2011)

    One of the math professors at university once did a theory exam with all "true or false" questions.

    All the answers were false. That was cruel... πŸ™‚

    And there's me who feels uneasy if I've answered "A" four times in a row!

    Mind you though, maths students are supposed to be good at spotting patterns, so perhaps it wasn't so cruel after all. Cruel might have been giving a test like that to psychology students...

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