Heeeeeeeelp !!!!! MDX. How to calcule the number of holiday date in a month ???

  • Hi experts!!

    I need your help.

    I have a Time dimension with a hierarchy.

    I have a headache. 🙁

    In my Time dimension I have an attribute "Is Working Day France" that flag if it is a holiday date or not ("Yes or No"

    I am writtig this scipt but it doesn't work.

    with member measures.CountOfHolidaysDay as

    Count( FILTER( Descendants ( [Date].[Calendar]

    , [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Date]

    ) , [Date].[Is Working Day France].MEMBERVALUE = "Yes"

    ) )

    Can U please help me

  • Lidou123 (2/11/2015)

    Hi experts!!

    I need your help.

    I have a Time dimension with a hierarchy.

    I have a headache. 🙁

    In my Time dimension I have an attribute "Is Working Day France" that flag if it is a holiday date or not ("Yes or No"

    I am writtig this scipt but it doesn't work.

    with member measures.CountOfHolidaysDay as

    Count( FILTER( Descendants ( [Date].[Calendar]

    , [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Date]

    ) , [Date].[Is Working Day France].MEMBERVALUE = "Yes"

    ) )

    Can U please help me

    Try this:

    with member measures.CountOfHolidaysDay







    , [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Date]


    * {[Date].[Is Working Day France].&[Yes]}


    I've made 2 changes to your original query:

    The first is the inclusion of "currentmember"...the calculation needs to be aware of where you currently are (i.e. what level you are looking at in the hierarchy).

    The second is using a crossjoin (denoted by "*{}"). You can only use the Filter() function if you are using a measure value to filter by. For dimension members, use the crossjoin.

  • Thank U Martin.

    Thats works good !!!

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