Help! After moving Master db SQL2000 would not start

  • Help! After moving Master db SQL2000 would not start.

    I get the following message:

    "2009-05-22 11:39:14.18 spid3 Recovering only master database

    2009-05-22 11:39:14.18 spid3 Starting up database 'master'.

    2009-05-22 11:39:14.23 spid3 udopen: Operating system error 3(The system can

    not find the path specified.) during the creation/opening of physical device .

    2009-05-22 11:39:14.23 spid3 FCB::Open failed: Could not open device for vi

    rtual device number (VDN) 2.

    2009-05-22 11:39:14.25 spid3 Error: 5105, Severity: 16, State: 4."

    How do you I correct the problem? How do I put correct file path?

    Thanks for your help


    Jacob Milter

  • Why did you have to move the



  • We did not want to keep the db on C:\ drive

    Jacob Milter

  • Hey

    Did you follow the MS article?;en-us;224071

    You will need change the startup parameters, if you didnt do this then you will need to edit the registry "HRLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters"


  • JL, Thanks! I will try to change registry

    Jacob Milter

  • You still will likely need to edit the startup parameters for the service. You can do that in the services applet. Configuration Manager also allows this on the advanced tab of the server properties.

  • JL,


    It worked!

    For some reason it was missing mastlog.ldf

    Thanks so much again!

    Jacob Milter

  • Hi,

    Are you just moving the master db on the different location, or renbuilding the master db?

    If you are just moving the master db, you need to first concentrate on the master primary file where its located(path), or

    if it is correpted, u need to rebuild with in single user mode,

    if you want to move it then alter the master data base master file to the new location

    the code : alter database masterdb modify(name = masterdb, filename='path')

    good luck


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