Help building required SQL for a View

  • I need some help compiling a SQL statement for a view. I’ve never tried something like this, not an expert SQL person, so let’s see how we go.

    I have two tables which I will just dumb down for the purpose of this exercise.

    Table 1 contains an ID field and a Date1 field.

    Table 2 contains an ID field and a Date2 field.

    I need to build a view that will show me Table1.ID, Table1.Date1, Table2.Date2 based on matching ID.

    Simple, yes.

    Now the challenge (for me anyway).

    Consider the table contained the following data (and by the way the date format is DD/MM/YYYY)

    Table1.ID, Table1.Date1

    1, 09/03/2009

    Table2.ID , Table2.Date2

    1, 16/10/2006

    1, 20/08/2007

    1, 01/01/2008

    1, 01/01/2009

    1, 21/09/2009

    1, 01/01/2010

    I can get the view to show me any records where the Table1.Date1 is less than Table2.Date2 with the following;

    Select Table1.ID, Table1.Date1, Table2.Date2 From Table1 Inner Join

    Table2 On Table1.ID = Table2.ID And Table1.Date1 > Table2.Date2

    This will return the following results;

    Table1.ID, Table1.Date1, Table2.Date2

    1, 09/03/2009, 16/10/2006

    1, 09/03/2009, 20/08/2007

    1, 09/03/2009, 01/01/2008

    1, 09/03/2009, 01/01/2009

    Can I limit the result so that it only returns the record where the value of Date2 is closest to the value of Date1 but still less than Date1?

    e.g. the following;

    Table1.ID , Table1.Date1, Table2.Date2

    1, 09/03/2009, 01/01/2009



  • A good explanation of the problem, and though the sample data is not readily consumable, it was not tedious to make it readily-consumable.

    Now the business:

    I have build the sample data into readily consumable format:




    ID1 INT,

    Date1 DATE


    INSERT INTO @Table1

    SELECT 1, '09-03-2009'



    ID2 INT,

    Date2 DATE


    INSERT INTO @Table2

    SELECT 1, '16-10-2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '20-08-2007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '01-01-2008' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '01-01-2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '21-09-2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '01-01-2010'

    Now, there are at least 3 ways in achieving this.Lets look at the first way :

    1. Using Correlated Sub Query

    -- Method 1 : Using Correlated Sub Query

    SELECT T1.ID1 , T1.Date1 ,

    ( SELECT TOP 1 T2.Date2

    FROM @Table2 T2

    WHERE T2.ID2 = T1.ID1 AND

    T2.Date2 < T1.Date1

    ORDER BY T2.Date2 DESC

    ) Nearest_Lesser_Date

    FROM @Table1 T1

    2. Using ROW_NUMBER()

    -- Method 2: ROW_NUMBER()

    ; WITH CTE ( ID1, DATE1 , DATE2 , RND ) AS


    SELECT T1.ID1 , T1.Date1 , T2.Date2 ,


    FROM @Table1 T1

    JOIN @Table2 T2

    ON T2.ID2 = T1.ID1 AND

    T2.Date2 < T1.Date1


    SELECT ID1, DATE1 , DATE2 AS Nearest_Lesser_Date


    WHERE RND = 1

    3. Using CROSS APPLY

    -- Method 3 : CROSS APPLY

    SELECT T1.ID1 , T1.Date1 , CrsApp.Date2 AS Nearest_Lesser_Date

    FROM @Table1 T1



    SELECT TOP 1 T2.Date2

    FROM @Table2 T2

    WHERE T2.ID2 = T1.ID1 AND

    T2.Date2 < T1.Date1

    ORDER BY T2.Date2 DESC

    ) CrsApp

    Now, i have had a look at the execution plans, and see that correlated sub queries perform lesser operations that the ROW_NUMBER version. Both CROSS APPLY and correlated sub queries produce identical execution plans. But a sample data of 6 rows wont be worthy enough to judge. So i leave the choice to you to choose between them!

    Hope this helps πŸ™‚

    {Edit : Added CROSS APPLY as an aliter}

  • There can be a few ways. you can try CTEs and RANK like below

    with cte(id, date1, date2, rank) as


    select, t1.date1, t2.date2

    , rank() over

    (PARTITION BY ORDER BY t1.date1, t2.date2 desc) AS 'RANK'

    from table1 t1

    join table2 t2 on =

    and T1.Date1 > T2.Date2


    select * from cte where rank = 1

    OR you can use nested queries, but if there are a large number of records, the performance would not be good.

    EDIT: Similar solution provided by ColdCoffee just before me. Guess we were working on it at the same time πŸ™‚

  • pankushmehta (2/8/2011)

    EDIT: Similar solution provided by ColdCoffee just before me. Guess we were working on it at the same time πŸ™‚

    You bet πŸ™‚ :w00t:

  • Thanks Cold Coffee, your Sub Query method was the way I was leaning towards, just couldnt work out the syntax.


  • doug.milostic (2/8/2011)

    Thanks Cold Coffee, your Sub Query method was the way I was leaning towards, just couldnt work out the syntax.


    You're welcome Doug!

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