help create SQL for linked list / hierarchy style table

  • Hello all, I have done some digging here, but can't seem to find my answer.  I'm fairly new to TSQL so I'm hoping something here can give me a hand.  I have a table which has 4 columns:

    id (int), parent (int), name (varchar), tier (int)

    These items are linked by parent (each item must have 1 and only 1 parent), but the list can be infinitely long, with every child have 0 to many children.  Currently the deepest relationship is 6 tiers but that will eventually grow.  Root elements are items with parent= -1, tier 1. 

    I need to create a query to get all the id's whose parent is that root, and then get all of those children's children, and so on.  I will also need to allow for multiple roots in this query.  ie in pseudocode: "get all children, grandchildren, ... for roots (root1,root2)"

    I could not understand this post / didn't think it was 100% relevant: ...forumid=8&messageid=12950

    Any help is greatly appreciated.  I currently have a giant UNION query which only accounts for 6 tiers, and is not returning results correctly.

  • Here's some more information, if this helps:  I am searching for questions related to the current glossary term, for a registered student.  The glossary terms are referenced via a foreign key (glossary table ID number) in the answers table, which has a foreign key referencing the question ID in the question table.  The questions are classified into various categories, and the student subscribes to 1 or more root category.  The search should only return questions which the student is currently subscribed to.  Here's a bit of what I'm currently working with, if this helps... 


    FROM         BS_Answers

    WHERE     (AnswerValue = @answerValue) AND (glossaryIDLink = @glsTermID)

    AND (Q_ID IN 

    --tier 1

                                   (SELECT     BS_Q_ID 

                                 FROM          BS_ClassificationValues 

                                WHERE      BS_ClassificationID IN 

                                      (SELECT     ID 

                                    FROM          [BS_Meta-Table] 

                                    WHERE      id IN 

                                          (SELECT     sub_id 

                                        FROM          BS_StuSubscribers 

                                         WHERE      Student_ID =  @myID AND Date_Exp > GETDATE()) OR 

                                      id IN 

    --tier 2

                                         (SELECT DISTINCT id 

                                         FROM          [BS_Meta-Table] 

                                        WHERE      (Tier = 2) AND Parent IN 

                                              (SELECT     sub_id 

                                            FROM          BS_StuSubscribers 

                                            WHERE      Student_ID =  @myID AND Date_Exp > GETDATE())) OR 

                                    id IN 

    --tier 3


  • Take a look at this implementation is very easy and self maintained. It has some minor defects but it will help you get where you need 

    * Noel

  • noeld,

    thanks!  I'll take a look at this and see if I can use it.


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