Help in tuning the T-SQL Query

  • Can someone suggest me if there is any way that I can tune the below query ?


    a14.JSD_Month_ID Month_ID,

    max(a14.JSD_MonthYr_DS) MonthYr_DS,

    a13.CostCenter costcenter_DS,

    max(a15.CostCenterName) CostCenterName,

    a15.RegionID RegionID,

    max(a15.RegionName) RegionName,

    a15.ChannelID ChannelID,

    max(a15.ChannelName) ChannelName,

    sum(a11.Quantity) WJXBFS1

    from FTProductUsage a11

    join FTContractValue a12

    on (a11.Account_ID = a12.Account_ID and

    a11.Contract_KY = a12.Contract_KY)

    join FTContractRole a13

    on (a12.Contract_ID = a13.Contract_ID)

    join VDTJobStartDT a14

    on (a11.JobStartDT_KY = a14.JobStartDT_KY)

    join LKCostCenter a15

    on (a13.CostCenter = a15.CostCenter)

    where (a11.ProductCapability in ('JobListing')

    and a11.UsedFlg in (1)

    and a11.HybridJobFlg in (0)

    and a14.JSD_Month_ID = 200708

    and a13.YearMonth = 200708

    and a13.RoleType in ('PRIMREP'))

    group by a14.JSD_Month_ID,




  • i hope this link will help you.

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