Help In Updating Date Field

  • Hi everyone,

    I need to update just part of a series of dates in a table. That is the full date is 2000-12-02 16:41:00.000 and I need it to be 2003-10-06 16:41:00.000. There are thousands of these where ofcourse the times are different. I just need to update the 2000-12-02 part to 2003-10-06. I tried updating using replace but it throws no error but does not update the fields. Here is an example of my update statement:

    update table_name

    set col_name =REPLACE(CAST(col_name AS VARCHAR(40)),'2000-12-02','2003-10-06')

    where blah blah

  • Hi vikramnat,

    Try using the following query

    update table_name set col_name =DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,col_name,'9-1-2003'),col_name) where .......

  • Hi vkpalivela,

    Thanks - that did the trick - help is greatly appreciated. Can you please explain the query real quick.

  • DATEDIFF gives the date difference between two dates i.e number of days and I am adding these days to the current date by using DATEADD function. For further info please refer to BOL.


    Hi vkpalivela,

    Thanks - that did the trick - help is greatly appreciated. Can you please explain the query real quick.

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