• I have just run a rogue job which has effectively trashed my server. My SQL2K box now thinks it is 6.5.

    I have 2 1/2 hours to get it put right.

    The easiest thing would be to uninstall SQL and rebuild.

    The first problem is that when I try to uninstall, I keep getting a message saying that osql is running, but it isn't!! I am restarting the server to see if that helps.

    Do I just restoer the master & msdb, once I get the install done?

    I am freaking here, is anyone able to advise?

    Many thanks


  • run backups of the dbs. Detach the dbs, you can detach msdb, but might be just as easy to restore.

    Uninstall SQL. If you get errors, delete the files under program files/microsoft sql server. Delete the reigstry keys, HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Microsoft SQL Server and HKLM/System/Services/MSSQL

    reinstall, restore master (start in single user mode), restore msdb, attach dbs.

    Steve Jones

  • Here is the KB for manually uninstall SQL Server.;en-us;290991

  • Wow,

    Thanks for the replies. I have managed to salvage the situation.

    What had happened is that a job which was supposed to run against a user db had been copied and set to run against master, by a junior dba.

    Unfortunately, the job deleted all sps beginning with SP_MS, which was supposed to clean up all of the defunct replication sps. In this case it cleaned up everything!!

    In the end I created a db on another server & restored my master onto it with another name.

    Then I copied the files over to my server, deleted the master.mdf & masterlog.ldf & remnamed my copies to take their place.

    SQL started & I am back on track.

    What a night.

    Again, heartfelt thanks

  • Well,

    Almost back on track.

    I have a distribution database which is marked suspect, and I can't get rid of it.

    I have dropped my subscriptions and publications, but it won't let me get rif of the suspect distribution db as it states that it is being used for replication.

    Could there be something in myrestored master db which shouldn't be there?

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