help me in delete records

  • It's possible, just don't expect to have it happen overnight. Just like my pool carrer, it took me 4 years just ot win 1 tournament, but everything's coming together now, and fast (make 6 finals in a single year and won 2).

    Strange I didn't get the read receipt. The server seems to have a lot of problems these days (unless you didn't read it (already did that once )).

  • Now tell me you don't own a gun, please!!!!!!!!

  • Sorry Remi Gregoire  and Sushila

    The table get deleted but the value is not inserted in the test3 table

    So pl solve this



  • HUH ?!?! ne comprends pas!

    remi - reg. the "read receipt" i always get a message back to myself saying that i've read it...i mentioned it to steve once and i've now forgotten what his response was but i've just decided to live with the annoying fact that i want to know when the recipient has read my pm - NOT that i have read what someone has sent come it works for you though ?!?!?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • do you HAVE a test3 table ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • What statement do you use to delete the data?

  • For sushila

    Y i have a test3 table and I have given the total operation before to this

    For Remi

    I am using

    delete test3

    Than'x  for trying

    Pl solve this


  • Just because I rebeat you 2 more times in this thread .

    Anyways I stopped bothering with how that recipient thing works. As far as I understand it, either both sender/receiver get the notification or, if you uncheck the notification box when you send the message, the notification would be not be sent or only sent to the reader.

  • You must delete from test2 to insert in test3.

    Please send the code you are using now so we can fix it.

  • well - this thread is all about triggers anyway...maybe one of these days i can get to be the "fastest draw on the east coast"...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Sure thing... just not gonna happen untill I transfer to NYC .

  • when that happens - i'm opting for early retirement...

    unless your new job actually has you working hard (like Frank who has now practically disappeared from this site) so some of us can get a shot at pulling triggers...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Frank is working hard... he was responding on this site after his work.. whil I can do both at the same time.



    sushila and Remi 

    Pl  follow this

    First I create this trigger

    CREATE TRIGGER trgInsertIntoNewTable

    ON test2



    insert   INTO test3  * FROM test2


    I got the message

    " The command  created successfuly"

    Now I entered

    Delete test2

    And I got the message

    "Test3 object is not found"

    So I think that There must be some After/Before Statement

    So pl solve if u can

    Than'x a lot

    Smruti From INDIA


  • Hi guys

    Is there any who can help me  in following

    I have two table test1 and test2

    test1 has 20 records

    When I Execute the following

    Delete test1

    All records are to be deleted but I want that before delete the table the records should added to test2 and now

    test1 contains no record and test2 contain 20 records

    So pl help me if anyone can

    Than'x a lot



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