Help me please before I shoot the server!!!

  • Has anyone else come across this or know of any reason why it might be happening?

    We are currently working on a series of procedure which act as filters for data collection, one of these (the now infamous filter 9) runs 4 delete statement which look like the following (The NOLOCK is there to improve speed and the way in which it is run is not likely to cause a probelm):


    FROM [mailing_sals_data]

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid

    AND [delidcode] NOT IN (

    SELECT DISTINCT [delidcode]

    FROM [mailing_base_data] (NOLOCK)

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid

    AND [delidcode] IS NOT NULL


    The @mailing_jobid parameter is a BIGINT being passed into the procedure.

    If I run the 4 deletes against about 167,000 records it takes on average 2.5 minutes, when I run these in a procedure it takes alot longer, I can't say how long as I cancelled it after 2 hours!!! When we have let it run to completion we have checked the actual execute plan which is bringing up some strange results, using hash tables when they're not needed, creating it's own indexes etc...

    If someone can help I will be forever in their debt.

  • Try this (Query was not tested)



     [mailing_sals_data] MSD


     [mailing_base_data] MBD


     MSD.[delidcode] = MBD.[delidcode] AND

     MBD.[mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid AND

     MSD.[mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid


     MSD.[delidcode] IS NULL


  • The problem is with SQL "parameter sniffing"

    Not often this occurs, but when it does, the performance of a stored procedure can degrade quite dramatically.

    You can usually tell when this occurs by trying the following:

    Take the code directly out of the stored procedure, DECLARE the parameter variables being passed and SET them to the same values you are trying to pass in.

    Execute the query and then substitute the parameter values of the query directly with the values and try again. the execution plan will probably change.


    DECLARE @mailing_jobid BIGINT

    SET @mailing_jobid = 123


    FROM [mailing_sals_data]

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid

    AND [delidcode] NOT IN (

    SELECT DISTINCT [delidcode]

    FROM [mailing_base_data] (NOLOCK)

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @mailing_jobid

    AND [delidcode] IS NOT NULL


    Then try


    FROM [mailing_sals_data]

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = 123

    AND [delidcode] NOT IN (

    SELECT DISTINCT [delidcode]

    FROM [mailing_base_data] (NOLOCK)

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = 123

    AND [delidcode] IS NOT NULL


    Check the estimated execution plans and you'll probably find that they have changed quite dramatically

    The problem is that when the procedure was compiled and executed, SQL reads the first value it sees as a parameter and builds it's execution plan based on this. Unfortunately, this plan may not be the optimal one for further queries causing the performance to degrade, sometimes dramatically.

    The solution is to prevent SQL from doing this by effectively hiding the value of the parameter.

    Do this by passing in the parameter and then assigning it to another variable. Use this variable as parameters for your query


    CREATE PROCEDURE filter9 @mailing_jobid BIGINT


    DECLARE @procparam BIGINT

    SET @procparam = @mailing_jobid


    FROM [mailing_sals_data]

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @procparam

    AND [delidcode] NOT IN (

    SELECT DISTINCT [delidcode]

    FROM [mailing_base_data] (NOLOCK)

    WHERE [mailing_jobid] = @procparam

    AND [delidcode] IS NOT NULL


    This prevents SQL from parameter sniffing and will often cure the problem.

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
    the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

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