HELP! need info. for creating a db for the first time

  • Today is my first day at my new job at a small company. They have SQL Server 2000 installed, but are not using it. I've been a user, but not a DBA. I need to create my first database. Can anyone send me a link to an article that takes me through it step by step? I've started to use the wizard, but I'm unsure of the values to add. I just need to get something going that works for now. The current working environment is Visual FoxPro, and the data has exceeded it's limitations. I will be very grateful for any help. Thank you so much for your consideration (prayers would be appreciated even more!!)

  • Dave,

    1. Open up Books Online (BOL) from Programs-->Microsoft SQL Server-->Books Online

    2. In the index type CREATE DATABASE. Double click on the resultant entry in the list

    3. It'll bring up a "Topics Found" dialog. Select the first one ("CREATE DATABSE"). Full instructions and syntax for creating databases using the T-SQL language are in there.

    However...the wizard in SQL Server Enterprise Manager should be fine. For now, accept all the defaults and you'll be fine. If and when you become more knowledgable you can worry more about the configuration settings which are all documented in the BOL page I directed you to (above).

    By the way, you posted this in a Yukon (SQL Server 2005) forum. You should repost in the regular SQL Server Administration forum.


  • I assume you need to mirror the database from visual foxpro? You might have luck exporting your tables in dbf format, then using DTS to import the data into new tables in SQL server. You won't get any keys created in this way, for that you would need to know visual foxpro and read the database structure. But it will create a table in SQL Server and it will read in some of the formatting of the fields correctly.  

    Or if you have Visio, you could reverse engineer your foxpro db, then have it create a create database script you could apply to sql server.

    Good luck

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