Help Needed in Avoiding RBAR

  • Below are my table Structure,

    declare @tblCompanyProess table (IdProcess int identity(1,1), UserId int,UserCompProcessId int, Amount money, IsProcessed bit default 0);

    declare @UserBalance table(BalanceId int identity(1,1), UserId int, UserAmountBalance money);

    insert into @tblCompanyProess(UserId,UserCompProcessId,Amount,IsProcessed)

    select 1 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,20 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,30 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 3 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,50 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 4 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,60 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 1 as UserId,400 as UserCompProcessId,100 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,400 as UserCompProcessId,70 as Amount,0 as IsProcessed union all

    select 1 as UserId,100 as UserCompProcessId,100 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,100 as UserCompProcessId,80 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed ;

    insert into @UserBalance(UserId,UserAmountBalance)

    select 1 as UserId, 2000 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 2 as UserId, 3000 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 3 as UserId, 4000 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 4 as UserId, 5000 as UserAmountBalance

    select * from @tblCompanyProess;

    select * from @UserBalance;


    I should not use loop. Basically i need to avoid RBAR.I need to take the records from @tblCompanyProess where IsProcessed = 0 based on UserId,UserCompProcessId

    and get the Amount and update into @UserBalance table on UserAmountBalance column. Once updated the amount then i need to make the isProcessed =1 on the table @tblCompanyProess

    After doing this, the table @UserBalance will look like below,

    With output as (

    select 1 as UserId, 2120 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 2 as UserId, 3100 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 3 as UserId, 4050 as UserAmountBalance union all

    select 4 as UserId, 5060 as UserAmountBalance )

    select * from output;

    the table @tblCompanyProess will look like below,

    select 1 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,20 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,30 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 3 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,50 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 4 as UserId,300 as UserCompProcessId,60 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 1 as UserId,400 as UserCompProcessId,100 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,400 as UserCompProcessId,70 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 1 as UserId,100 as UserCompProcessId,100 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed union all

    select 2 as UserId,100 as UserCompProcessId,80 as Amount,1 as IsProcessed ;

    Is it possible to achieve without looping.

  • Awesome job with ddl and sample data. The problem here is that your desired output is exactly the same as the data you start with.


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  • Hi Sean,

    thanks for the reply and my bad. updated the data on my original post two process happening

    1. Updating the balance on the table @UserBalance

    2. Making the IsProcessed = 1 on the table @tblCompanyProess once the update over.

    any solution please

  • KGJ-Dev (1/20/2015)

    Hi Sean,

    thanks for the reply and my bad. updated the data on my original post two process happening

    1. Updating the balance on the table @UserBalance

    2. Making the IsProcessed = 1 on the table @tblCompanyProess once the update over.

    any solution please

    That makes more sense. So what have you tried? This is a pretty basic update using SUM.


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  • trying it

  • Below is my try,

    DECLARE @Affected TABLE (UserId INT);

    WITH data

    AS (

    SELECT UserId

    ,ProcessingAmout = SUM(COALESCE(Amount, 0))

    FROM @tblCompanyProess

    WHERE IsProcessed = 0


    UPDATE @UserBalance

    SET UserAmountBalance = COALESCE(B.UserAmountBalance, 0) + D.ProcessingAmout


    INTO @Affected(IDMember)

    FROM @UserBalance UB

    INNER JOIN data D ON UB.UserId = D.UserId;

    UPDATE @tblCompanyProess

    SET IsProcessed = 1

    WHERE UserId IN (

    SELECT userid

    FROM @Affected


    AND IsProcessed = 0;

    Any suggestion please

  • KGJ-Dev (1/20/2015)

    Below is my try,

    DECLARE @Affected TABLE (UserId INT);

    WITH data

    AS (

    SELECT UserId

    ,ProcessingAmout = SUM(COALESCE(Amount, 0))

    FROM @tblCompanyProess

    WHERE IsProcessed = 0


    UPDATE @UserBalance

    SET UserAmountBalance = COALESCE(B.UserAmountBalance, 0) + D.ProcessingAmout


    INTO @Affected(IDMember)

    FROM @UserBalance UB

    INNER JOIN data D ON UB.UserId = D.UserId;

    UPDATE @tblCompanyProess

    SET IsProcessed = 1

    WHERE UserId IN (

    SELECT userid

    FROM @Affected


    AND IsProcessed = 1;

    Your solution is pretty close to what I came up with.

    ;with cte as


    select userid, SUM(Amount) sumAmount

    from @tblCompanyProess

    where isProcessed = 0

    group by userid


    update ub set

    ub.UserAmountBalance = ub.UserAmountBalance + c.sumAmount


    INTO @Affected(UserID)

    from @UserBalance ub

    inner join cte c on ub.UserId = c.UserId;

    UPDATE tc

    SET IsProcessed = 1

    FROM @tblCompanyProess tc

    INNER JOIN @Affected a on a.UserID = tc.UserId

    WHERE tc.IsProcessed = 0;

    The big difference is the where clause in the second update. I think you wanted to process only those ID's that are 0. Also, the IN clause is not as efficient as a join.

    Hope that helps out.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • Added a transaction. These two update statements should always be grouped in an explicit transaction.



    with cte as


    select userid, SUM(Amount) sumAmount

    from @tblCompanyProess

    where isProcessed = 0

    group by userid


    update ub set

    ub.UserAmountBalance = ub.UserAmountBalance + c.sumAmount


    INTO @Affected(UserID)

    from @UserBalance ub

    inner join cte c on ub.UserId = c.UserId;

    UPDATE tc

    SET IsProcessed = 1

    FROM @tblCompanyProess tc

    INNER JOIN @Affected a on a.UserID = tc.UserId

    WHERE tc.IsProcessed = 0;


  • Thanks guys for the response. Have a question about,

    will OUTPUT Inserted.UserId doesn't fit for this requirement? In my previous post, i am using this.

  • Stephanie Giovannini (1/20/2015)

    Added a transaction. These two update statements should always be grouped in an explicit transaction.



    with cte as


    select userid, SUM(Amount) sumAmount

    from @tblCompanyProess

    where isProcessed = 0

    group by userid


    update ub set

    ub.UserAmountBalance = ub.UserAmountBalance + c.sumAmount


    INTO @Affected(UserID)

    from @UserBalance ub

    inner join cte c on ub.UserId = c.UserId;

    UPDATE tc

    SET IsProcessed = 1

    FROM @tblCompanyProess tc

    INNER JOIN @Affected a on a.UserID = tc.UserId

    WHERE tc.IsProcessed = 0;


    Throw a try/catch around this and we have a winner.


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  • In my post i didn't mention about transaction and having try catch block. I am already having that. Didn't include inmy post. So no worries on that piece.

    One more question, is there any chance i can get the "UserCompProcessId" into @Affected along with "UserId'? any solution for this please

  • KGJ-Dev (1/20/2015)

    In my post i didn't mention about transaction and having try catch block. I am already having that. Didn't include inmy post. So no worries on that piece.

    One more question, is there any chance i can get the "UserCompProcessId" into @Affected along with "UserId'? any solution for this please

    You could...but that negates the aggregate for the sum which is the whole point of what you are doing. What would be the benefit of that piece of data at this point. You are updating what should be a computed column but you have it as a separate table. Your update is doing it in batches which contains multiple values for the UserCompProcessId. I would probably just have an AccountBalance column that is a computed column instead of multiple tables and trying to iterate through all this.


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  • Understood and thanks for your suggestion. What would happen If i use OUTPUT.inserted UserId instead of OUTPUT.deleted UserId

  • KGJ-Dev (1/20/2015)

    Understood and thanks for your suggestion. What would happen If i use OUTPUT.inserted UserId instead of OUTPUT.deleted UserId

    In an UPDATE or DELETE statement you would get the value prior to updating. In an INSERT you would get NULL.


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  • Thanks sean, in that case i am updating the amount. can both the syntax below results same?


    OUTPUT Deleted.UserId

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