Help Needed in Relational Logic

  • Hi,

    Sample data to play with,

    declare @Process table(ProcessId int identity(1,1) primary key,ProcessName varchar(100),ParentStep int, ChildStep int);

    Insert into @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    select 'Process1',1,2 union all

    select 'Process2',1,3 union all

    select 'Process3',1,6 union all

    select 'Process4',4,2 union all

    select 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps table(StepId int identity(1,1) primary key,StepName varchar(100),ParentStep int);

    Insert into @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    select 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    select 'step2',1 union all

    select 'step3',1 union all

    select 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    select 'step5',4 union all

    select 'step6',4 union all

    select 'step7',4 ;

    In we see the @Process table data, third row and fifth row are wrong. At third row,6 is not child of parent 1 in (Steps table). Likewise child 2 is not parent of 4 in (steps table).

    So basically i need to get the process whose parent mapped with wrong child. below the output format that i need to generate,

    Select 'Process3','Step1' as Parent,'Step6' as child union all

    Select 'Process4','Step4' as Parent,'Step2' as child;

    [this is sample table and data/ not my actual table. but the structure of this table is same]. Please help me on achieving the logic and any best sample query achieve this.


  • born2achieve (8/18/2015)


    Sample data to play with,

    declare @Process table(ProcessId int identity(1,1) primary key,ProcessName varchar(100),ParentStep int, ChildStep int);

    Insert into @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    select 'Process1',1,2 union all

    select 'Process2',1,3 union all

    select 'Process3',1,6 union all

    select 'Process4',4,2 union all

    select 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps table(StepId int identity(1,1) primary key,StepName varchar(100),ParentStep int);

    Insert into @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    select 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    select 'step2',1 union all

    select 'step3',1 union all

    select 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    select 'step5',4 union all

    select 'step6',4 union all

    select 'step7',4 ;

    In we see the @Process table data, third row and fifth row are wrong. At third row,6 is not child of parent 1 in (Steps table). Likewise child 2 is not parent of 4 in (steps table).

    So basically i need to get the process whose parent mapped with wrong child. below the output format that i need to generate,

    Select 'Process3','Step1' as Parent,'Step6' as child union all

    Select 'Process4','Step4' as Parent,'Step2' as child;

    [this is sample table and data/ not my actual table. but the structure of this table is same]. Please help me on achieving the logic and any best sample query achieve this.


    What are the two tables? Is @Process an output from a query attempt or a source table which happens to be wrong? If @Process is an output set, then where does the text 'Process3' originate from?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply and @Process and at @steps are two tables.

    select ProcessName,S.Stepname as parent,S.stepname as child from @Process P join @steps S.......

    any suggestions and sample please

  • Quick suggestion


    USE tempdb;



    declare @Process table(ProcessId int identity(1,1) primary key,ProcessName varchar(100),ParentStep int, ChildStep int);

    Insert into @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    select 'Process1',1,2 union all

    select 'Process2',1,3 union all

    select 'Process3',1,6 union all

    select 'Process4',4,2 union all

    select 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps table(StepId int identity(1,1) primary key,StepName varchar(100),ParentStep int);

    Insert into @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    select 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    select 'step2',1 union all

    select 'step3',1 union all

    select 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    select 'step5',4 union all

    select 'step6',4 union all

    select 'step7',4 ;


    P.ProcessName AS ProcessName

    ,PS.StepName AS Parent

    ,S.StepName AS Child

    FROM @Process P

    CROSS APPLY @Steps S


    WHERE P.ChildStep = S.StepId

    AND P.ParentStep <> S.ParentStep

    AND P.ParentStep = PS.StepId;


    ProcessName Parent Child

    ------------ -------- -------

    Process3 Step1 step6

    Process4 step4 step2

  • born2achieve (8/18/2015)

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply and @Process and at @steps are two tables.

    select ProcessName,S.Stepname as parent,S.stepname as child from @Process P join @steps S.......

    any suggestions and sample please

    In we see the @Process table data, third row and fifth row are wrong. At third row,6 is not child of parent 1 in (Steps table). Likewise child 2 is not parent of 4 in (steps table).

    So why don't you correct the data in @Process? Is this what you are asking us to do?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Chris,

    Sorry, Am not sure whats wrong in the test data. Please help me on understanding what wrong in test data.

    Hi Eirik,

    Thanks for your sample.

  • born2achieve (8/18/2015)

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry, Am not sure whats wrong in the test data. Please help me on understanding what wrong in test data.

    Hi Eirik,

    Thanks for your sample.

    You say "@Process table data, third row and fifth row are wrong."

    So is it correct, or not? If it isn't, then why don't you correct it?

    Or is this what you want us to do?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • opps. Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say, those two records should be displayed in the output because it was wrongly mapped.

  • Eirikur Eiriksson (8/18/2015)

    Quick suggestion


    USE tempdb;



    declare @Process table(ProcessId int identity(1,1) primary key,ProcessName varchar(100),ParentStep int, ChildStep int);

    Insert into @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    select 'Process1',1,2 union all

    select 'Process2',1,3 union all

    select 'Process3',1,6 union all

    select 'Process4',4,2 union all

    select 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps table(StepId int identity(1,1) primary key,StepName varchar(100),ParentStep int);

    Insert into @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    select 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    select 'step2',1 union all

    select 'step3',1 union all

    select 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    select 'step5',4 union all

    select 'step6',4 union all

    select 'step7',4 ;


    P.ProcessName AS ProcessName

    ,PS.StepName AS Parent

    ,S.StepName AS Child

    FROM @Process P

    CROSS APPLY @Steps S


    WHERE P.ChildStep = S.StepId

    AND P.ParentStep <> S.ParentStep

    AND P.ParentStep = PS.StepId;


    ProcessName Parent Child

    ------------ -------- -------

    Process3 Step1 step6

    Process4 step4 step2

    Why do you use a CROSS APPLY here? You can do the same thing with an INNER JOIN, and I think that it's easier to follow.


    P.ProcessName AS ProcessName

    ,PS.StepName AS Parent

    ,S.StepName AS Child

    FROM @Process P

    INNER JOIN @Steps S

    ON P.ChildStep = S.StepId

    INNER JOIN @Steps PS

    ON P.ParentStep = PS.StepId

    WHERE P.ParentStep <> S.ParentStep;


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • born2achieve (8/18/2015)


    Sample data to play with,

    declare @Process table(ProcessId int identity(1,1) primary key,ProcessName varchar(100),ParentStep int, ChildStep int);

    Insert into @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    select 'Process1',1,2 union all

    select 'Process2',1,3 union all

    select 'Process3',1,6 union all

    select 'Process4',4,2 union all

    select 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps table(StepId int identity(1,1) primary key,StepName varchar(100),ParentStep int);

    Insert into @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    select 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    select 'step2',1 union all

    select 'step3',1 union all

    select 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    select 'step5',4 union all

    select 'step6',4 union all

    select 'step7',4 ;

    In we see the @Process table data, third row and fifth row are wrong. At third row,6 is not child of parent 1 in (Steps table). Likewise child 2 is not parent of 4 in (steps table).

    So basically i need to get the process whose parent mapped with wrong child. below the output format that i need to generate,

    Select 'Process3','Step1' as Parent,'Step6' as child union all

    Select 'Process4','Step4' as Parent,'Step2' as child;

    [this is sample table and data/ not my actual table. but the structure of this table is same]. Please help me on achieving the logic and any best sample query achieve this.


    It appears that what's needed is a query that detects differences between the Steps table and the Processes table. How about this rather simplistic one?

    DECLARE @Process AS TABLE (

    ProcessId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    ProcessName varchar(100),

    ParentStep int,

    ChildStep int


    INSERT INTO @Process(ProcessName,ParentStep,ChildStep)

    SELECT 'Process1',1,2 union all

    SELECT 'Process2',1,3 union all

    SELECT 'Process3',1,6 union all

    SELECT 'Process4',4,2 union all

    SELECT 'Process5',4,5;

    declare @Steps AS table(

    StepId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    StepName varchar(100),

    ParentStep int


    INSERT INTO @Steps(StepName,ParentStep)

    SELECT 'Step1',0 union all --- Parent step(StepId is 1 and it is auto generated id)

    SELECT 'step2',1 union all

    SELECT 'step3',1 union all

    SELECT 'step4', 0 union all -- Parent step....

    SELECT 'step5',4 union all

    SELECT 'step6',4 union all

    SELECT 'step7',4 ;

    SELECT ParentStep, ChildStep

    FROM @Process


    SELECT ParentStep, StepId

    FROM @Steps

    WHERE ParentStep <> 0;

  • drew.allen (8/18/2015)

    Why do you use a CROSS APPLY here? You can do the same thing with an INNER JOIN, and I think that it's easier to follow.

    You are right, there is virtually no difference between the two apart from the column order in the two first scans which makes no difference. Whether it is easier or not to follow I don't know, I cannot see any difference there either. CROSS APPLY is on the other hand slightly quicker to write;-)


  • sgmunson (8/18/2015)

    It appears that what's needed is a query that detects differences between the Steps table and the Processes table. How about this rather simplistic one?

    Simple solution but not too effective, requires a blocking sort for the left anti semi join and although it only has two scans opposite to the three scans in the other it becomes far more expensive.


  • thank you allen, eirik and sgmunson.

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