Help needed on select issue from Chinese_RPC_Stroke_90 table

  • Hi there,

    I have a table code page in Chinese_PRC_Stroke_90_CI_AS and I am facing a 'select' problem now when data has special character in the field.

    Table data stores the following,












    1) it returns 0 record when I issue statement like this

    select part_code from s_stkmst

    where part_code>= 'RYP1836-K' AND part_code <= 'RYP1836D-K1'

    order by part_code

    2) it returns only 6 records when I applies collation order (miss out first 2 records)

    select REPLACE(part_code,'-','#'),part_code, source from s_stkmst

    where part_code>= REPLACE('RYP1836-K','-','#') AND part_code<=REPLACE('RYP1836D-K1','-','#')

    order by part_code collate SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_BIN

    RYP1836A#K RYP1836A-K

    RYP1836A#K1 RYP1836A-K1

    RYP1836B#K RYP1836B-K

    RYP1836B#K1 RYP1836B-K1

    RYP1836C#K RYP1836C-K

    RYP1836C#K1 RYP1836C-K1

    Any idea to overcome this?

    Thanks in advance


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  • This has go nothing to do with the collation it is just that when you order the parts list using standard alphanumeric ordering you get a different order to the one you expect.

    Order returned by SQL even with a default Latin collation:











    As you can see there is nothing between RYP1836D-K1 and RYP1836-K and in fact RYP1836-K is listed after RYP1836D-K1

  • The only solution is to amend you part numbering to something that will sort the way you expect

    drop table #s_stkmst

    create table #s_stkmst(part_code nvarchar(50) , part_code_Latin nvarchar(50))

    insert #s_stkmst

    values ('RYP1836-K','RYP1836 -K0')

    , ('RYP1836-K1','RYP1836 -K1')

    , ('RYP1836A-K','RYP1836A-K0')

    , ('RYP1836A-K1','RYP1836A-K1')

    , ('RYP1836B-K','RYP1836B-K0')

    , ('RYP1836B-K1','RYP1836B-K1')

    , ('RYP1836C-K','RYP1836C-K0')

    , ('RYP1836C-K1','RYP1836C-K1')

    , ('RYP1836D-K','RYP1836D-K0')

    , ('RYP1836D-K1','RYP1836D-K1')

    select part_code from #s_stkmst

    --where part_code>= 'RYP1836-K' AND part_code <= 'RYP1836D-K1'

    order by part_code

    select part_code, part_code_Latin from #s_stkmst

    --where part_code>= 'RYP1836-K' AND part_code <= 'RYP1836D-K1'

    order by part_code_Latin

  • sqlblues (10/7/2013)

    The only solution is to amend you part numbering to something that will sort the way you expect

    drop table #s_stkmst

    create table #s_stkmst(part_code nvarchar(50) , part_code_Latin nvarchar(50))

    insert #s_stkmst

    values ('RYP1836-K','RYP1836 -K0')

    , ('RYP1836-K1','RYP1836 -K1')

    , ('RYP1836A-K','RYP1836A-K0')

    , ('RYP1836A-K1','RYP1836A-K1')

    , ('RYP1836B-K','RYP1836B-K0')

    , ('RYP1836B-K1','RYP1836B-K1')

    , ('RYP1836C-K','RYP1836C-K0')

    , ('RYP1836C-K1','RYP1836C-K1')

    , ('RYP1836D-K','RYP1836D-K0')

    , ('RYP1836D-K1','RYP1836D-K1')

    select part_code from #s_stkmst

    --where part_code>= 'RYP1836-K' AND part_code <= 'RYP1836D-K1'

    order by part_code

    select part_code, part_code_Latin from #s_stkmst

    --where part_code>= 'RYP1836-K' AND part_code <= 'RYP1836D-K1'

    order by part_code_Latin

    Thanks for your advice.

    I realized this and I had done that in my PC and it works as you said. However, I cannot alter the code page at the production server because there are many tables having the same field. I truly worry other queries in my system will produce 'mismatch of collation' error.

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • As before this problem in not to do with collation as Latin characters sort the same whether the collation is Latin or Chinese. The problem is your part numbers where RYP1836- will sort after RYP1836A. here is another example (addendum to the code in my previous post)

    select REPLACE(part_code,'-','#'),part_code, part_code_Latin from #s_stkmst

    where part_code_Latin>= REPLACE('RYP1836 -K0','-','#') AND part_code_Latin<=REPLACE('RYP1836D-K1','-','#')

    order by part_code collate SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_BIN

  • Thanks sqlblues.

    I had figured out, if I change the query as below, the list has become complete.

    select REPLACE(part_code,'-','#'),part_code from s_stkmst

    where REPLACE(part_code,'-','#')>= REPLACE('RYP1836-K','-','#') AND REPLACE(part_code,'-','#')<=REPLACE('RYP1836D-K1','-','#')

    order by part_code

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