Help on displaying schema information

  • SQL 2K - using the Enterprise Manager - Graphical User Interface - define a column in a table right click on the table name ... etc ... now I have figured out where in syscomments etc.

     I can retrieve the column name, data type, length, allow nulls, is identity column, default values

    BUT have NOT BEEN ABLE TO LOCATE WHERE THE 'DESCRIPTION' that the user may enter is STORED.

    Any help would be appreciated. 

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  • Thanks for the quick response will follow up with the MS site and the articles it also suggests for further reading.


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  • Just as an FYI on storage. It is placed in the sysproperties table, the [name] field will read "MS_Description" and the ID is the objects id. So if you have a table named TestTable and wanted to look at the stored values in sysproperties you can do


    SELECT * FROM sysproperties WHERE [id] = object_name('TestTable') and [name] = 'MS_Description'


    However this is no the officially supported method and could change in future SQL versions.

  • Steve Jones,  Many thanks the info was all I required ..  and besides being a big technical help the articles were an interesting read ... again thank you

    Am using the information to write a custom application to print Schema and meta data out for any SQL 2K database for other programmers to use to make their work life just a little easier.  Now if I could only cram all that information onto a 81/2 x 11 page with neatness and professional looking finished product.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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