Help or Sugessions Appreciated

  • Hi,

    This message i am posting due to my requirement. I use SQL Server 2000. Table Structure is

    C1 C2 C3 C4 C5


    1 A 10 X 2,5

    Need to Dump in Excel



    C1 C2 (2,5)

    Vice Versa have read from the file and load it into excel, reading from excel is not a problem, i am facing difficulty in dumping data into excel.

    Look forward for your help, support or suggestion.



  • i am failing to understand your requirement, do you want columns name to appear in the rows?

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • The comma is causing issues for sure. You can prefix a field in Excel with a quote (') to have it translated as text.

    As mentioned above, I'm still not seeing the pattern you are looking for.

  • Hi,

    Very sorry. Let me try explaining again. I have a table with:

    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5

    0001 Stack 1001 Rack 2,3

    0002 Box 1002 Stand 3,5

    Then this data goes into the Excel as below

    i = 5

    j = 4

    (i,1)th row column will hold Col1 Heading and data where 1 remains constant and i increments

    (i,2)th row column Will hold Col2 Heading and data and rest as above

    (3,j)th row column will hold Col3 Heading and data accross... here 3 remains constant and j increments depending whether col1 is same or not

    (4,j)th row column Will hold Col4 Heading and data accross... same condition as above

    (i,j)th row column will hold col4 Values

    This i achieved with validation of data with the help of Excel. In sql server 2005 we have task called pivot and unpivot this does what i have mentioned. We use SQL Server 2000. Thanks for your reply.

    If you find any other way of doing it would be gr8.

    Thanks again



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