Help Required!!

  • I have the values in a column like


    And i need in my select statements to pickup email value and rota value.

    Can anybody help please? or can anybody come up with a better solution to store the values in a column to easily retrieve those two values.

    Thank you.

  • With this code, you should be able to store these values in separate columns. Although, it expects to only have email and rota in the values. If something can be different, or the values can be in different order, more rules should be applied.

    SELECT SUBSTRING( string, 7, CHARINDEX( ';', string) - 7) email,

    SUBSTRING( string, CHARINDEX( ';', string) + 6, 8000) rota


    ';rota=mon-fri')) Data(string)

    Luis C.
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  • To make Luis' code a little more generic, you could code it as follows:



    ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('email=',String)+6) = 0

    THEN LEN(string)

    ELSE CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('email=',String)+6)-(CHARINDEX('email=',String)+6) END) AS [Email]


    ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('rota=',String)+5) = 0

    THEN LEN(string)

    ELSE CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('rota=',String)+5)-(CHARINDEX('rota=',String)+5) END) AS [Rota]


    ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('newdata=',String)+8) = 0

    THEN LEN(string)

    ELSE CHARINDEX(';',String,CHARINDEX('newdata=',String)+8)-(CHARINDEX('newdata=',String)+8) END) AS [NewData]


    'rota=mon-fri;;newdata=stuff')) Data(string)

    This allows you to have the parameters in any order in the string as demonstrated. Ugly though.

    The nicest way to do this is probably to write a function to do the string functions so that your SQL call is nice and clean and you can just pass in the string and any key value without having to worry about how long it is. The function could be something like:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetKeyValue]


    @String AS varchar(100)

    ,@Key AS varchar(50)


    RETURNS varchar(50)


    DECLARE @Data varchar(50)

    DECLARE @Keylen smallint

    SELECT @Keylen = LEN(@Key)+1

    SELECT @Data =


    CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(';',@String,CHARINDEX(@Key,@String)+@KeyLen) = 0

    THEN LEN(@String)

    ELSE CHARINDEX(';',@String,CHARINDEX(@Key,@String)+@KeyLen)-(CHARINDEX(@Key,@String)+@KeyLen) END)

    RETURN @Data



    Your SQL statement would then be similar to the following:

    SELECT dbo.GetKeyValue(string,'email') AS [Email]

    ,dbo.GetKeyValue(string,'rota') AS [Rota]

    ,dbo.GetKeyValue(string,'newdata') AS [New Data]


    ';rota=mon-fri;newdata=stuff')) Data(string)

  • I'd use a CROSS APPLY cascade. This article [/url]has at least one example which is very similar to your requirements.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Using a function for this calculation seems like an excellent idea.

    I rewrote Christy's code as an inline table-valued function for speed. I also replaced some repeated expressions with a couple of cte:s

    Like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetKeyValue](@String AS varchar(100), @key AS varchar(50))

    RETURNS table




    cte1 as (select KeyLen = len(@Key), p1 = charindex(@Key, @String)),

    cte2 as (select p2 = charindex(';', @String, p1+KeyLen), * from cte1)


    Result = case

    when p1=0 then null

    when p2=0 then substring(@String, p1+KeyLen, 8000)

    else substring(@String, p1+KeyLen, p2-(p1+KeyLen))


    from cte2


    SELECT string, email = x1.result, rota = x2.result, newdata = x3.result


    ';rota=mon-fri;newdatax=stuff')) Data(string)

    cross apply dbo.GetKeyValue(string, 'email=') x1

    cross apply dbo.GetKeyValue(string, 'rota=') x2

    cross apply dbo.GetKeyValue(string, 'newdata=') x3

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