Help setting up

  • I am having difficulty setting this up to work.  I have a virtual directory in IIS with the pages downloaded to it, and I have installed the tswebsetup.exe from

    In connections.asp these files are referenced:

    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/" -->
    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/" -->
    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="/inc/" -->

    But these files are not included in the zip file for download, and there is no mention in the article as to the contents or format these files need in order to work on the page.  I get this error when I visit the page:

    Error Type:

    Active Server Pages, ASP 0130 (0x80004005)

    File attribute '/' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.

    /newmmc/connections.asp, line 4

    I removed the slash before each file and that got rid of the immediate error, but I still ran into problems because I didn't have the files.

    I thought would include the servers to include in the list, but it looks like it wants to connect to a SQL Server to get that list, so I created a new DB and added a ServerList table and an SP for the page to call to get the list.

    I got past the error stemming from the constant adCmdStoredProc not being defined by downloading from here:

    That brought me to this error, which is probably because I need the function which is defined in

    Error Type:

    Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)

    Type mismatch: 'ConvertText'

    /newmmc/connections.asp, line 22

     What else do I need to do to get this to work?

    On another topic, does this forum only work for IE? I tried with both Opera 9 and FireFox 1.5 and neither one would let me type into the reply box, and there were multiple JavaScript errors reported in both error consoles.


  • Somehow this post didn't make it to where I wanted it.  It was supposed to be in this thread:

    Can someone move it?

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