HELP --- SQL Programming

  • awesome it works!!

    THe only thing it is doing is the last date is not getting populated...

    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.02 NULL

    11256.001.03 NULL

    11256.001.04 NULL

    it is flowing down to .03 and stopping.

  • Can you post your final code, because what I have does work.


    11256.001.04 2006-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.03 NULL NULL

    11256.001.02 NULL NULL

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00


    11256.001.04 2006-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.03 2006-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.02 2006-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

  • Do you have this line?

    @dt = ISNULL(proj_start_dt,@DT),

  • yeah, below is what I have....


    DECLARE @Dummy smalldatetime,

    @id VARCHAR(50),

    @dt smallDATETIME

    UPDATE #proj


    @Dummy = proj_start_dt = CASE WHEN (

    (proj_start_dt IS NULL)


    ((proj_id = SUBSTRING(@id,1,len(proj_id)))

    OR(SUBSTRING(proj_id,1,len(proj_id)-3) = SUBSTRING(@id,1,len(proj_id)-3))))

    THEN @dt ELSE proj_start_dt END,

    @dt = ISNULL(proj_start_dt,@DT),

    @ID = proj_id

    FROM #proj

    COMMIT TRAN; [/size][/size]

  • oops... with out the "[/size]"


    DECLARE @Dummy smalldatetime,

    @id VARCHAR(50),

    @dt smallDATETIME

    UPDATE #proj


    @Dummy = proj_start_dt = CASE WHEN (

    (proj_start_dt IS NULL)


    ((proj_id = SUBSTRING(@id,1,len(proj_id)))

    OR(SUBSTRING(proj_id,1,len(proj_id)-3) = SUBSTRING(@id,1,len(proj_id)-3))))

    THEN @dt ELSE proj_start_dt END,

    @dt = ISNULL(proj_start_dt,@DT),

    @ID = proj_id

    FROM #proj


  • kipp (11/20/2007)

    awesome it works!!

    THe only thing it is doing is the last date is not getting populated...

    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.02 NULL

    11256.001.03 NULL

    11256.001.04 NULL

    it is flowing down to .03 and stopping.

    Can you show me what you mean here? 02-04 are all NULL. So they wouldn't change here. Also the fact that the data here is in the reverse order mildly concerns me, you didn't forget about the index again?

  • yes, the way it should work (sorry if I did not explain this better), is find the last one that has a date (in this case 11256.001.01), and then use the date that is in there and populate all the start_dates below that (ie. start_dates for 11256.001.02,11256.001.03,11256.001.04) would all have a start date equal to the last one found (ie. 11256.001.01)...

    it is in reverse order just so I could see in in numerical order, it did in fact do it in the correct order when I got the output, sorry about that...).

    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00

    11256.001.02 NULL

    11256.001.03 NULL

    11256.001.04 NULL

  • Ok. Then that is the exact opposite that I thought you wanted.

    The index should be ASC not descending, and the part where the substrings are needs adjusted slightly. Think I got it this time.

    DROP TABLE #proj -- my temp table


    [Proj_ID] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [Proj_Start_Dt] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [Proj_End_DT] [smalldatetime] NULL,


    ([Proj_ID] ASC)


    INSERT INTO [#proj] VALUES ('11256.001','1995-07-05 00:00:00','1996-05-04 00:00:00')

    INSERT INTO [#proj] VALUES ('11256.001.01','1995-07-05 00:00:00','1996-05-04 00:00:00')

    INSERT INTO [#proj] VALUES ('11256.001.02',NULL,null)

    INSERT INTO [#proj] VALUES ('11256.001.03','1/1/2007',null)

    INSERT INTO [#proj] VALUES ('11256.001.04',NULL,null)

    SELECT * FROM #proj


    DECLARE @Dummy smalldatetime,

    @id VARCHAR(50),

    @dt smallDATETIME

    UPDATE #proj


    @Dummy = proj_start_dt = CASE WHEN (

    (proj_start_dt IS NULL)


    ((@id = SUBSTRING(proj_id,1,len(@id)))

    OR(SUBSTRING(proj_id,1,len(@id)-3) = SUBSTRING(@id,1,len(@id)-3))))

    THEN @dt ELSE proj_start_dt END,

    @dt = ISNULL(proj_start_dt,@DT),

    @ID = proj_id

    FROM #proj


    SELECT * FROM #proj


    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001.02 NULL NULL

    11256.001.03 2007-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.04 NULL NULL


    11256.001 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001.01 1995-07-05 00:00:00 1996-05-04 00:00:00

    11256.001.02 1995-07-05 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.03 2007-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

    11256.001.04 2007-01-01 00:00:00 NULL

  • thanks... I will give that a try, I am about ready to leave for the day but will be back in tomorrow... thanks for your help and I will let you know. Where are you located? timezone?


  • Pittsburgh (EST) so I have a few hours yet, and I won't be back to work until next Monday. Thanksgiving Holiday. I am sure I will check in over while I am home, but family will be in "which is why I may need a retreat" so I won't be able to check very often.

    Good luck, the technique should work, issue now is the CASE WHEN logic.

    Also, if the current PK is on the PROJ_ID which I expect it is, and assuming that it is a clustered index which is most likely the case, and it is sorted in the right order, you don't need the temp table anymore. However, this is a safe test.

  • Thanks Bob.... We are fairly close, I am from Dayton.

    Have a good Thanksgiving....

  • This example will:

    * Take each record where the ProjStartDt is NULL,

    * Trim off the last '.' + whatever follows,

    * And, try to match that result with a record in the table.

    If a match is found, and its ProjStartDt is not NULL then the original's ProjStartDt is updated.

    tblTest data to start with:

    88355 NULL NULL

    88355.001 NULL NULL

    88355.001.00 NULL NULL

    88355.020 NULL NULL

    88355.020.00 NULL NULL

    88355.021 NULL NULL

    88355.021.00 NULL NULL

    88355.022 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.022.00 NULL NULL

    88355.023 07/01/07 NULL

    88355.023.00 NULL NULL

    UPDATE tblTest

    SET ProjStartDt =

    (Select Top 1 c.ProjStartDt

    From tblTest c

    Where c.ProjProjID = Substring(b.ProjProjID,1,

    Case When Len(b.ProjProjID) - (len(b.ProjProjID) - charindex('.', b.ProjProjID, len(c.ProjProjID)) + 1) < 1

    Then 1

    Else Len(b.ProjProjID) - (len(b.ProjProjID) - charindex('.', b.ProjProjID, len(c.ProjProjID)) + 1)


    AND c.ProjProjID <> b.ProjProjID

    Order by Len(c.ProjProjID) Desc


    FROM tblTest b

    WHERE b.ProjStartDt IS NULL

    AND (Select Top 1 c.ProjStartDt

    From tblTest c

    Where c.ProjProjID = Substring(b.ProjProjID,1,

    Case When Len(b.ProjProjID) - (len(b.ProjProjID) - charindex('.', b.ProjProjID, len(c.ProjProjID)) + 1) < 1

    Then 1

    Else Len(b.ProjProjID) - (len(b.ProjProjID) - charindex('.', b.ProjProjID, len(c.ProjProjID)) + 1)


    And c.ProjProjID <> b.ProjProjID

    Order By Len(c.ProjProjID) Desc


    tblTest data after first run:

    88355 NULL NULL

    88355.001 NULL NULL

    88355.001.00 NULL NULL

    88355.020 NULL NULL

    88355.020.00 NULL NULL

    88355.021 NULL NULL

    88355.021.00 NULL NULL

    88355.022 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.022.00 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.023 07/01/07 NULL

    88355.023.00 07/01/07 NULL


    If you have a ProjStartDt for 88355, then the Update statement will update: 88355.001, 88355.020, and 88355.021 with 88355’s ProjStartDt.

    tblTest data to start with:

    88355 06/01/07 NULL

    88355.001 NULL NULL

    88355.001.00 NULL NULL

    88355.020 NULL NULL

    88355.020.00 NULL NULL

    88355.021 NULL NULL

    88355.021.00 NULL NULL

    88355.022 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.022.00 NULL NULL

    88355.023 07/01/07 NULL

    88355.023.00 NULL NULL

    tblTest data after first run:

    88355 06/01/07 NULL

    88355.001 06/01/07 NULL

    88355.001.00 NULL NULL

    88355.020 06/01/07 NULL

    88355.020.00 NULL NULL

    88355.021 06/01/07 NULL

    88355.021.00 NULL NULL

    88355.022 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.022.00 08/01/07 NULL

    88355.023 07/01/07 NULL

    88355.023.00 07/01/07 NULL

    If the Update statement is run a second time then 88355.001.00, 88355.020.00, and 88355.021.00 will be updated to 88355’s ProjStartDt.


    My text was formatted when I pasted it, but Preview is showing it with the spaces trimmed out.

  • Oh great... Helping a Bengal. Hoping to be at the 12/2 game 🙂

  • here is a before and after... it is somehow pulling another date...

    ProjProjID ProjStartDT

    ------------------------------ --------------------

    11256.027.05 NULL

    11256.027.04 NULL

    11256.027.03 NULL

    11256.027.02 NULL

    11256.027.01 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    ProjProjID ProjStartDT

    ------------------------------ ---------------------

    11256.027.05 NULL

    11256.027.04 1997-10-01 00:00:00

    11256.027.03 1997-10-01 00:00:00

    11256.027.02 1997-10-01 00:00:00

    11256.027.01 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027 2002-07-24 00:00:00

  • Just to clarify the assumptions I made prior to posting my solution above:

    Your original post said,"...need a script that looks for NULL start and end dates at the bottom level (ie. 88355.023.00), if it finds a NULL then it goes up one level (ie. 88355.023), if it finds a date then it updates the level(s) below it, in this case 88355.023.00..."

    I assumed that levels were delimited with the dots "." So, up one level from [88355.023.00] would be [88355.023]. Not because 88355.023 was the next record above 88355.023.00, but because, after stripping off the .00, 88355.023 is what you are left with.

    My solution assumes that 88355 is the next level up for the following five records:






    It doesn't matter what order the records are in to start with.

    Using the results you just posted, (I changed the date for 11256.027.01 so you can tell which record's date I am using.) The following would be the results of my UPDATE.


    ProjProjID ProjStartDT

    ------------------------------ --------------------

    11256.027.05 NULL

    11256.027.04 NULL

    11256.027.03 NULL

    11256.027.02 NULL

    11256.027.01 2002-08-24 00:00:00

    11256.027 2002-07-24 00:00:00


    ProjProjID ProjStartDT

    ------------------------------ --------------------

    11256.027.05 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027.04 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027.03 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027.02 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    11256.027.01 2002-08-24 00:00:00

    11256.027 2002-07-24 00:00:00

    My update will change .05,.04,.03,.02 to 11256.027's date because their date is null and because 11256.027 is one level up from each of them (by my understanding of the term "Level").

    Anyway, if I misunderstood the issue I am sorry.

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