Help us Improve our Logo

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at

  • Andy,

    Great work!  Option #1 is the best as far as 'real estate' for the logo - it's concise, a better design, and most importantly, takes up a smaller foot print.

    However, I like the 'cube' colors of option #2, but with the format of option #1.  My 2 cents...


    Brian Spoutz

  • Layout #1 with the cube colours of #6

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Greate : #3 with the colours of #4

  • #6 works the best (needs resizing of course - too big) but I have a problem with all of them. The cube motif has one set of light sources but the 3D text and the 3D sweep have another. They have obviously been rendered separately and then put together. It would look better if they were modelled and rendered together with the same light sources. Not that I'm fussy or anything


  • Hey Andy, bet you wished you never asked

    What voting system you going to use

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Here's some radical thinking, lets drop the box!   seems to cludge up the logo a tad and doesnt really mean a lot in terms of SQL, just a thought really.

    Sorry, but the only creativity I have in the graphics world is a stick man for my 2yr old.

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • quote Sorry, but the only creativity I have in the graphics world is a stick man for my 2yr old.

    I'm not artistic either. I thought cubism was something to do with a datamart

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I like layout #1, for its smaller cube and the colour.


  • I like layout #1 for a lot of the same reasons already mentioned.

  • I'm sorry - they're all bad.  The 3D graphics thing is old, outdated, a fad passed by, etc.

    Get rid of the cube, whatever it's supposed to be - stick with flat text and the arch, but maybe update the color-scheme and definitely the fonts.

    While you're changing the logo, go ahead and change the font of the articles to something less dull than Times New Roman.  Have a look at what the professionals use (layout and design, not necessarily the products they push):

    The "in" look is metallic, flat surfaces, with sans serif (Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, etc) fonts.

    Of course most readers of SQL Server Central are operating in a world as far from UI as possible (within software that is) - hard to be more back-end than the db..

  • size of #1, colors of #3

  • I like #3.

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • I like #1, but I think the cube should be yellow because that has the most RAM. 


  • I agree w/Oskar, I personally find none of these appealing. However the box desn't really say SQL to me either as well. But the question is what are you trying to present with your logo what feeling are you wanting to convey and keep in mind the elements should make folks think of your "branding" as it is now called whenever they see them in the world otherwise.

    For instance (as I don't work there and can talk about their branding) Bank Of America ( uses the american flag colors and layout as representative of the all american bank. It also is laid out like landscape (or specifically field rows) to make you think of growing or the heartland to convey a strong continually growing company or that they can "grow" your money.

    The idea behind your branding should represent your values, vision, and area of work (if feasible).

    I think it you are looking for a new brand design that maybe everyone make suggestion on what makes them think of your site.

    And what does that box represent anyway?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)

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