Help: want to do this the right way.

  • Hello everyone,

    I have been tasked with upgrading an existing system from 2000 to 2005 and 'believe' I would like to install a new instance rather than upgrading my current 2000 version.  I ran the upgrade wizard and there were several warnings regarding DTS and soem undetermined regarding SQL server itself.  With taht said, my primary question has more to do with filegroup / disk configurations than it does the actual install process.

    The vendor recomends the following configurations for the SQL DB but unfortunately, I do not have 5 drives on the server I have to work with.

    Vendor recomendation:

    Disk 1: OS/SQL/ System DB's (excluding temp DB)

    Disk 2: SQL Temp DB

    Disk 3: TLog for VendorApp DB

    Disk 4: FG for App DB indexes

    Disk 5: FG for App DB Data file


    The server I am working on has a 3 disk RAID 5 set with 3 logical drives (C, D and E).  Each drive is aproximately 20GB and the app DB that will be used is NOT very intensive at all.  small amounts of data flow in to it on 30 minutes intervals 24 / 7.  The user load on the DB is extremely small as well.

    So, given that information, I am wondering what the best configuration regarding data files, indexes, temp DB and log files will be?  I know I can leave disk 1 config basically as is but I'm not sure how I should allocate the rest to get the best performance.  Or, is that even a concern given how low the activity level will be for this particular DB?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and if you have time, explinations backing those decisions would be awesome (for my continued education).

    Thanks all!



  • bob,

    long articles and whole books have been written about the rationale for configuring resource intensive databases.  if you had a high transaction volume or large number of users, there are all sorts of things you might do.  but with the light load you've implied, you could probably put everything on the same drive without hurting yourself. 

    given that they're logical partitions on the same raid, it won't make that much difference how you split them up.  if your data will fit comfortably on one 20Gb drive, I'd install on your c: drive, set d: as your default data drive, and make e: your trans log and temp file drive.  in general, getting the transaction log on a different drive from the data is the first best optimization you can make.  putting temp db on its own drive can help a lot too (though ample memory trumps).



  • On the DTS issue. SQL Server 2005 does not support DTS, it's only there for Legacy purposes. You either need to convert them to SSIS packages or download/install the Backward Compatibility and DTS hotfixes that are part of the 2005 FeaturePack.


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