Help with a correlated subquery

  • Hi,

    Here is how the data looks like:


    Case.........Client........Age.........Inc Code











    -A client is a valid client if Age >= 60 OR Income Code In List (A,B).

    -A case should not be counted if there is an invalid client.

    -A client is valid is valid if it exists multiple times with atleast one valid Income code.

    Based on the above conditions, in Case# 123 the first 2 rows are valid but the third row is an invalid client. Hence this case should not be counted. Case# 125 has two rows and both are valid so this case should be counted. Case# 127 should be counted because it satisfies rule#3.

    I created a NOT EXISTS subquery as:




    Select 1

    From table b1

    where table.CASE_NUMBER=b1.CASE_NUMBER AND

    Age < 60 AND

    table.INCOME_CODE NOT IN ('A','B')




    But I am still getting the first case back  

    Thanks for the expert advice.

  • I'm not sure I get the requirements... Can you post the expected results of the query with the presented data?

  • Thanks for your reply Remi. The expected result in the above example should be:

    Case.........Client........Age.........Inc Code







    Case#125 is counted because both the clients are valid clients. The first client is valid bacause of the age and second client is valid because of the income code.

    Case#125, the client is valid bacause it has one of the valid codes.


    Hope this helps.



  • So your first query is to return a list of valid clients - and then you need to join that with 'table'.

    To select valid clients:

    select distinct t.client from table t where t.age > 60 or t.IncCode = 'A' or t.IncCode = 'B'

    Now do the join

    select t1.* from table t1 join

    (select distinct t.client from table t where t.age > 60 or t.IncCode = 'A' or t.IncCode = 'B') t2

    on t1.client = t2.client


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • I tried the above, but it seemed to return more than you wanted.

    I think this will work - the tricky part is rule #3, which is the "exists" clause (the "not in" clause is rule #2)

    select * from clients c

    where caseid not in

    (select caseid from clients c2

    where c2.age < 60 and c2.inccode not in ('a','b')

    AND not exists

    (select * from clients c3

    where c3.age <= 60 and c3.inccode in ('a','b')

    and c3.clientid = c2.clientid))

    BTW, I tweaked the names a bit as follows:

    CREATE TABLE [Clients]

    ([CaseID] [tinyint],

     [ClientID] [smallint],

     [Age] [tinyint],

     [IncCode] [char] (1))

  • Thanks for your replies. Paul you are absolutely right that the tricky part is rule#3. I am having difficulty with this rule. I'll try your query and will let you know. Thanks again for all the help you all provided.

    I really appreciate it.


  • Don't thank me yet - I noticed a typo in the first attempt - this is more like it ...for now 😉

    select * from clients c

    where caseid not in

    (select caseid from clients c2

    where c2.age < 60 and c2.inccode not in ('a','b')

    AND clientid not in

    (select clientid from clients c3

    where c3.age >= 60 or c3.inccode in ('a','b')

    and c3.clientid = c2.clientid))

  • Paul,

    Thanks for your reply again. Because of some load issues I was not been able to try the query out as yet but it makes sense logically and it should work. I'll post the outcomes as soon as I get this to run



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