Help with Counts

  • Try this bick, and please reply with the results... I am not on a machine with management studio, so can't test.

    SELECT datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(landline) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(mobile) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(emailD)OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM test

    group by datakey

  • stephen99999 (1/11/2012)

    Try this bick, and please reply with the results... I am not on a machine with management studio, so can't test.

    SELECT datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(landline) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(mobile) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(emailD)OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM test

    group by datakey

    Column 'test.landline' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

  • bicky1980 (1/11/2012)

    stephen99999 (1/11/2012)

    Try this bick, and please reply with the results... I am not on a machine with management studio, so can't test.

    SELECT datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(landline) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(mobile) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(emailD)OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM test

    group by datakey

    Column 'test.landline' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Either remove the GROUP BY or add the necessary columns to the GROUP BY (the errors will tell you). Or instead of the GROUP BY, just add DISTINCT after SELECT.

    Please reply with results/errors.

    Also, are you not debugging? Really try to work through these issues before replying. This will show the more expert posters that you are trying to learn instead of just get a direct answer.


  • stephen99999 (1/11/2012)

    bicky1980 (1/11/2012)

    stephen99999 (1/11/2012)

    Try this bick, and please reply with the results... I am not on a machine with management studio, so can't test.

    SELECT datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(landline) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(mobile) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(emailD)OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM test

    group by datakey

    Column 'test.landline' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Either remove the GROUP BY or add the necessary columns to the GROUP BY (the errors will tell you). Or instead of the GROUP BY, just add DISTINCT after SELECT.

    Please reply with results/errors.

    Also, are you not debugging? Really try to work through these issues before replying. This will show the more expert posters that you are trying to learn instead of just get a direct answer.


    Thanks for the reply... you did ask me to tell you the results, so that is what I did. I am still trying to solve the problem myself too, not just waiting for an solution (if there is one)

    I have never used the debugger (will look into that) - Thanks for the advice. I think I need to use a mixture of the over(), partition(), row_number() and maybe rank() clauses...Maybe...

  • Alright, lets try this

    declare @t table(indkey nvarchar(2),datakey nvarchar(4),landline nvarchar(11),mobile nvarchar(11),email nvarchar(20))

    insert into @t values ('1','0001','01234567890','0712345679','')

    insert into @t values('2','0001','01234567890','','')

    insert into @t values('3','0002','01234567891','','')

    insert into @t values('4','0002','01234567890','','')

    insert into @t values('5','0002','','07123456789','')

    insert into @t values('6','0003','01234567892','07123456791','')

    insert into @t values('7','0004','01234567893','07123456792','')

    insert into @t values('8','0005','01234567894','07123456793','')

    insert into @t values('9','0008','01234567895','07123456793','')

    SELECT distinct datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(landline) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(mobile) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(email)OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM @t


    datakey Uniquedatakey Uniquelandline Uniquemobile Uniqueemail

    0001 2 2 2 2

    0002 3 3 3 3

    0003 1 1 1 1

    0004 1 1 1 1

    0005 1 1 1 1

    0008 1 1 1 1

    Are we getting close?

  • The query certainly groups the results by the datakey

    but all the values are the same...

  • Modified stephen's code a bit:

    declare @t table(indkey nvarchar(2),datakey nvarchar(4),landline nvarchar(11),mobile nvarchar(11),email nvarchar(20))

    insert into @t values ('1','0001','01234567890','0712345679','')

    insert into @t values('2','0001','01234567890','','')

    insert into @t values('3','0002','01234567891','','')

    insert into @t values('4','0002','01234567890','','')

    insert into @t values('5','0002','','07123456789','')

    insert into @t values('6','0003','01234567892','07123456791','')

    insert into @t values('7','0004','01234567893','07123456792','')

    insert into @t values('8','0005','01234567894','07123456793','')

    insert into @t values('9','0008','01234567895','07123456793','')

    SELECT distinct datakey,COUNT(datakey) OVER(Partition by datakey) AS Uniquedatakey,

    COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by landline, datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by mobile, datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(*)OVER(Partition by email, datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    FROM @t

    Would that work?

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

  • No, its not performing the counts I need to get back (thanks for the effort though)

    Total = 9

    Total Unqiue Datakey = 6

    Total Unique Landline = 6

    Total Unique Mobile =5

    Total Unique Emai =3

  • I understand that something like this should work:

    COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by datakey) / COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by landline, datakey) AS Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by datakey) / COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by mobile, datakey) AS Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(*) OVER(Partition by datakey) / COUNT(*)OVER(Partition by email, datakey) AS Uniqueemail

    But I can't seem to get DISTINCT to behave as I want. Maybe someone more experience could shed a light on this?

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

  • Hello All

    I think I have managed to run the counts individually

    select count(*) from test

    select count(distinct datakey) as Unique_Dataset

    from (select *, row_number() over(partition by datakey order by case when Datakey!='' then 0 else 1 end) as pref

    from test where Datakey!=''

    ) z where pref = 1

    select count(distinct landline) as Unique_landlines

    from (select *, row_number() over(partition by datakey order by case when landline!='' then 0 else 1 end) as pref

    from test where landline!=''

    ) z where pref = 1

    select count(distinct mobile)

    from (select *, row_number() over(partition by datakey order by case when mobile!='' then 0 else 1 end) as pref

    from test where mobile!=''

    ) z where pref = 1

    select count(distinct email) as Unique_Emails

    from (select *, row_number() over(partition by datakey order by case when email!='' then 0 else 1 end) as pref

    from test where email!=''

    ) z where pref = 1

    I think now I just need to group these statements together into one statement...Any Suggestions

  • bicky1980 (1/11/2012)

    Hello All

    I think now I just need to group these statements together into one statement...Any Suggestions

    UNION ALL with a static data column in each statement to say which count it belonged to?

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  • @bicky

    It has to be one of these two options lol. For each option, I started out with a quote on your desired results should be, as well as some previous requirements you stated.

    Option 1:

    No, its not performing the counts I need to get back (thanks for the effort though)

    Total = 9

    Total Unqiue Datakey = 6

    Total Unique Landline = 6

    Total Unique Mobile =5

    Total Unique Emai =3

    declare @t table(indkey nvarchar(2),datakey nvarchar(4),landline nvarchar(11),mobile nvarchar(11),email nvarchar(20))

    insert into @t values ('1','0001', '01234567890', '0712345679', '')

    insert into @t values('2','0001', '01234567890', '', '')

    insert into @t values('3','0002', '01234567891', '', '')

    insert into @t values('4','0002', '01234567890', '', '')

    insert into @t values('5','0002', '', '07123456789', '')

    insert into @t values('6','0003', '01234567892', '07123456791', '')

    insert into @t values('7','0004', '01234567893', '07123456792', '')

    insert into @t values('8','0005', '01234567894', '07123456793', '')

    insert into @t values('9','0008', '01234567895', '07123456793', '');

    select count(datakey) Total,

    count(distinct datakey) Uniquedatakey ,

    COUNT(distinct case when landline <>'' then landline end) Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(distinct case when mobile <>'' then mobile end) Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(distinct case when email <>'' then email end) Uniqueemail

    from @t

    Total Uniquedatakey Uniquelandline Uniquemobile Uniqueemail

    9 6 6 5 3

    Option 2:


    the counts for landline, mobile & email also need to be group by datakey - so the figure for landline must be a unique landline as well as a unique datakey


    select count(datakey) Total,

    count(distinct datakey) Uniquedatakey ,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when landline <> '' then landline end) Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when mobile <>'' then mobile end) Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when email <>'' then email end) Uniqueemail

    from @t

    Total Uniquedatakey Uniquelandline Uniquemobile Uniqueemail

    9 6 7 6 4

  • stephen99999 (1/11/2012)


    It has to be one of these two options lol. For each option, I started out with a quote on your desired results should be, as well as some previous requirements you stated.

    Option 1:

    No, its not performing the counts I need to get back (thanks for the effort though)

    Total = 9

    Total Unqiue Datakey = 6

    Total Unique Landline = 6

    Total Unique Mobile =5

    Total Unique Emai =3

    declare @t table(indkey nvarchar(2),datakey nvarchar(4),landline nvarchar(11),mobile nvarchar(11),email nvarchar(20))

    insert into @t values ('1','0001', '01234567890', '0712345679', '')

    insert into @t values('2','0001', '01234567890', '', '')

    insert into @t values('3','0002', '01234567891', '', '')

    insert into @t values('4','0002', '01234567890', '', '')

    insert into @t values('5','0002', '', '07123456789', '')

    insert into @t values('6','0003', '01234567892', '07123456791', '')

    insert into @t values('7','0004', '01234567893', '07123456792', '')

    insert into @t values('8','0005', '01234567894', '07123456793', '')

    insert into @t values('9','0008', '01234567895', '07123456793', '');

    select count(datakey) Total,

    count(distinct datakey) Uniquedatakey ,

    COUNT(distinct case when landline <>'' then landline end) Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(distinct case when mobile <>'' then mobile end) Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(distinct case when email <>'' then email end) Uniqueemail

    from @t

    Total Uniquedatakey Uniquelandline Uniquemobile Uniqueemail

    9 6 6 5 3

    Option 2:


    the counts for landline, mobile & email also need to be group by datakey - so the figure for landline must be a unique landline as well as a unique datakey


    select count(datakey) Total,

    count(distinct datakey) Uniquedatakey ,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when landline <> '' then landline end) Uniquelandline,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when mobile <>'' then mobile end) Uniquemobile,

    COUNT(distinct datakey + case when email <>'' then email end) Uniqueemail

    from @t

    Total Uniquedatakey Uniquelandline Uniquemobile Uniqueemail

    9 6 7 6 4

    The logic for option 1 doesnt appear to be correct (the counts are not grouping the results by unique dataset) and option 2 returns incorrect results...


    CREATE TABLE test (indkey NVARCHAR(2), datakey NVARCHAR(4), landline NVARCHAR(11), mobile NVARCHAR(11), email NVARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('1', '0001', '01234567890', '0712345679', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('2', '0001', '01234567890', '', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('3', '0002', '01234567891', '', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('4', '0002', '01234567890', '', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('5', '0002', '', '07123456789', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('6', '0003', '01234567892', '07123456791', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('7', '0004', '01234567893', '07123456792', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('8', '0005', '01234567894', '07123456793', '')

    INSERT INTO test

    VALUES ('9', '0008', '01234567895', '07123456793', '')

    SELECT MAX(total) AS Total, COUNT(DISTINCT datakey) AS [Total Unqiue Datakey],

    COUNT(DISTINCT datakey + CASE WHEN landline <> '' THEN landline END) AS [Total Unique Landline],

    COUNT(DISTINCT datakey + CASE WHEN mobile <> '' THEN mobile END) AS [Total Unique Mobile],

    COUNT(DISTINCT datakey + CASE WHEN email <> '' THEN email END) AS [Total Unique Email]

    FROM (SELECT indkey, datakey, landline, mobile, email,


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY datakey ORDER BY landline DESC, mobile DESC, email DESC) AS partitionSet

    FROM test) innerQ

    WHERE partitionSet = 1


    Total Total Unqiue Datakey Total Unique Landline Total Unique Mobile Total Unique Email

    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------------

    9 6 6 5 4

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  • in table format, bicky, please post what you are expecting your results to look like. Earlier you stated you wanted to see 9, 6, etc to be returned, and now you say it is not.

    Just confused of your requirements.

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