Help with Cursor!!!

  • I have a table in my SQL 2000 DB that logs visitors to my website. Here are some of the values that I am inserting into my table. SessionID(unique session From IIS), Insert Date(Data type Datetime). What I want to do is report how many unique sessions were logged into the db for each day of any given month starting with the first day of the month and then ending with the last day or last reorded day depending on when the report is run.

    For now I will just focus on the current month. How do I revise the example below in order to accomplish this using a cursor?

    DECLARE @SessionID varchar

    DECLARE @DatePlusOne numeric


    SELECT Count(DISTINCT(SessionID)) FROM dbo.WEBTracking

    WHERE MONTH(InsDate) = MONTH(GetDate()) AND

    YEAR(InsDate) = YEAR(GETDATE())

    OPEN csrLoop

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrLoop INTO @SessionID



    SELECT * FROM dbo.WEBTracking

    WHERE SessionID = @SessionID

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrLoop INTO @SessionID


    CLOSE csrLoop

    DEALLOCATE csrLoop

  • Hi kbrady,

    I don't think you need to use a cursor here -that is if the requirement is only to find the number of sessions for each month...

    I think something like

    select Count(distinct(SessionID)),datename(mm,InsertDate)

    from dbo.WebTracking

    group by datename(mm,InsertDate)

    will give you a month wise count of the number of sessions logged in....

    and for a daily counter you could use

    select Count(distinct(SessionID)),Convert(Varchar(20),InsertDate,106)

    from dbo.WebTracking

    group by Convert(Varchar(20),InsertDate,106)

    are these what you had in mind??

  • You may consider using a view to the calculation for you, as shown below. All you have to do is just filter the view for the specific data of interest.


    iyear = year(YourDate),

    imonth = month (YourDate),

    iday = day (YourDate),

    icount = count(SessionID)

    from dbo.WEBTracking

    group by year(YourDate), month (YourDate), day (YourDate)

  • I used this simple script to generate working data

    Create Table #Temp_Sessions (Session_Id INT Identity(1,1),

    EntryIntoSys DATETIME)

    Declare @Counter INT

    Set @Counter = 1

    WHILE(@counter <= 7)


    Insert #Temp_Sessions

    Values (DateAdd(Day, 0, GetDate())) /** Increment 0 by 1 for more data **/

    Set @Counter = @Counter + 1


    Here the query to report unique session Ids

    Select Count(Session_Id), Convert(varchar(30), EntryIntoSys, 1)

    From #Temp_Sessions

    Where DatePart(Month, EntryIntoSys) = '06' -- 'Change number for any month'

    Group By Convert(varchar(30), EntryIntoSys, 1)

    You need the datetime conversion b/c hour, minutes and seconds are not factors just the day. Much useful if this is used as a stored proc. b/c you can make month a required param.


    Edited by - mworku on 06/09/2003 3:42:30 PM

    Edited by - mworku on 06/09/2003 3:43:14 PM


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