Help with dimensions when creating a cube

  • I created a cube with 7 dimensions using SSAS 2005.

    Five of the dimensions appear to have been created correctly when viewing them in the "Dimension Structure" tab. That is, I see the primary key attribute and a dimension field attribute in the "Attributes" section. For example, I see 2 attributes per dimension such as RegionPK and Region.

    However, for 2 dimensions I see only the primary key attribute field in the "Attributes" section. For example, I see only the CustomerPK attribute when I expect to see both the CustomerPK and Customer attributes.

    I generated a model from the cube for Report Builder. In Report Builder I see all 7 dimensions in the entities section. For the 5 dimensions that are correct I see dimension attributes in the "Fields" section. For the 2 dimensions that are incorrect I see "There are no items in this list." in the fields section.

    I can still drag/drop the 2 bad dimensions from the "Entities" section onto the report.

    I also created a pivot table in Excel 2003 that is connected to the cube. The "PivotTable Field List" does not display the 2 bad dimensions.

    The database views for the 2 bad dimensions that are used to create cube appear to be populated correctly.

    Does anyone have an idea about what could be wrong with the cube?


  • Never mind. I got it figured out. I needed to drag/drop the attribute from the Data Source View section into the attribute section on the Dimension Structure tab.

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