Help with displaying one field if it's not empty, but if empty look at another

  • SELECT o.Id, o.Name, o.StageName, o.Type, o.Account__c, o.Sales_Person__c, o2.AccountId__c, o2.Sales_Person__c, CRM.dbo.fn_ConvertSFDate(o2.InvoiceDate__c)

    AS InvoiceDate

    FROM Customers.dbo.Opportunity AS o INNER JOIN

    Customers.dbo.Account AS a ON a.Id = o.AccountId INNER JOIN

    (SELECT MAX(Id) AS Id, AccountId__c

    FROM Customers.dbo.Order__c

    WHERE (Sales_Person__c <> '')

    GROUP BY AccountId__c) AS o1 ON a.Id = o1.AccountId__c INNER JOIN

    Customers.dbo.Order__c AS o2 ON o2.Id = o1.Id

    WHERE (o.SalesPerson__c = '') AND (o.Type = 'Renewal') AND (o.StageName NOT LIKE 'Closed%')

    This part worked the way I wanted. I wanted it to pull the Sales_Person__c field from the most recent order (Order__c) if it isn't blank.

    But if that field is blank in the order then I need it to look at the Sales_Person field in the most recent opportunity that has the status Closed Won.

    So the bottom line is I need it to display the Sales_Person__c field with the most recent order if the sales person field is not blank in the order object, but if it is blank then fill it in based off the most recent opportunity that has the status closed won. I'm not sure how to add it to my current query.

    I apologize if I'm not wording this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • If you could post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for each of the tables, some SAMPLE data (meaning something made up that properly represents the problem domain) as a series of INSERT INTO statements for each table (5 or 6 rows max), expected results based on the sample data.

  • Sample data along with sample tables in order to properly frame possible solutions for this problem would be very helpful.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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