Help with INSERT & LIKE Query

  • Hi All!

    Our company is starting to move into the idea of SMS'ing clients, in order to do this we need to have a set field [Mobile] with compatible phone numbers in this column.

    Currently the structure of the table that we need to use have two Columns [Phone 1] & [Phone 2]

    I need to copy contents of these two fields [Phone 1] & [Phone 2] into a new field [Mobile] within the same table. The issue is that BOTH [Phone 1] and [Phone 2] are mixed with different phone numbers - landlines and mobile numbers - the key identifier for a mobile number is that they begin with '04'

    so my logic is that we would need something along the lines of:

    SELECT ..

    FROM [Members]

    WHERE [Phone 1] LIKE N '04%' AND [Phone 2] LIKE N '04%' ... INSERT (*) INTO [mobile]

    I know the syntax is all wrong as it should be a nested INSERT INTO - How can i reword this, as i know INSERT INTO needs the specific values and there are thousands of values making the whole process pointless.. Is there a way of doing this with another function - ie COPY..

    Am i making sense..

    Appreciate any help here!!

    Thanks guys!! 😀

  • Can you give an example of phone1 and phone2 and the desired result?

    Wild guesses:

    update members

    set [mobile]=phone1 + 'separator' + phone2

    where ...

    update members

    set mobile=firstmatch

    from members

    inner join


    select memberid,

    CASE PHONE1 like ... THEN Phone1

    CASE PHONE2 like ... Then Phone2


    END AS Firstmatch

    from members

    where phone1 like ... and phone2 like ...

    ) preferredphone

    on members.memberid=preferredphone.memberid

  • I had a similar experience with telephone number selection, using the “LIKE” statement didn’t work very well. I actually filled up all available disk space on the server because MSDB grew, needless to say I wasn’t the most popular guy in out company that day.

    Also use the “OR” operator, because a mobile number may exist in Phone1 doesn’t mean it won’t in Phone2.

    Try using “SUBSTRING”:




    [mobile]=phone1 + 'separator' + phone2


    (SUBSTRING([Phone 1],2) = ‘04’ OR

    SUBSTRING([Phone 2],2) = ‘04’ )AND

    (Remaining Criteria)

    Hope this helps.


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