help with "joiN' quiries

  • We have identified an issue with your initial join(s).

    Same with question 5.

    If you have specific questions I would attempt an answer.

  • Thank You everyone (JEFF,Lynn,Andre and all),

    i just started the Advanced select topic and "join" function and it's just getting harder...i was able to fix my mistake for 3 and 5 where i had to Join the deptid with deptid...i am still trying to grab the concept and get better, if any advice,suggestion or way to understand the concept better please let me know...also i have some more errors ..i'll keep wring queries and trying and if i can't i ll keep posting...thank you all again.

    Question 7. What is the Average Salary of employees in “Arts” Department?

    select AVG(salarypermonth) from

    (select * from tEmployeeDeptMap a

    inner join tDepartment b

    on a.deptid=b.DeptID

    inner join tSalaryMaster c

    on a.JobID=c.JobId

    where DepartName='arts') e

    the subquery is i missing something or the select avg part is wrong?

    Question 13.Employee ID of employees who belong to either “Arts” or “Sports” Department and who have more than 5 years of experience

    --although i get the number something is wrong i need to map the tEmplooyeeSalaryMap too?

    select a.eid from tEmployee a

    join tEmployeeDeptMap b

    on a.EID=b.DeptID

    join tDepartment c

    on c.DeptID=b.DeptID

    Join tSalaryMaster d

    on d.jobid=c.DeptID

    where departname='arts' or departname='sports'

    and yearsofexperience >5

    Question 11 .No of Employees Joined in each year, output of this query should be “Year”, “No Of Employees Joined”

    select year(dateadd(M,-3,JoinDate)),COUNT(*) as [No of Employees Joined],eid

    from tEmployee

    where JoinDate is not null

    group by JoinDate,EID

    i get which eid joined at which year but how do i group it . do i use sum

  • Question 7. What is the Average Salary of employees in “Arts” Department?

    select AVG(salarypermonth) from

    (select * from tEmployeeDeptMap a

    inner join tDepartment b

    on a.deptid=b.DeptID

    inner join tSalaryMaster c

    on a.JobID=c.JobId

    where DepartName='arts') e

    the subquery is i missing something or the select avg part is wrong?

    The AVG is on what and what are your SELECT? :hehe:

  • Question 11 .No of Employees Joined in each year, output of this query should be “Year”, “No Of Employees Joined”

    select year(dateadd(M,-3,JoinDate)),COUNT(*) as [No of Employees Joined],eid

    from tEmployee

    where JoinDate is not null

    group by JoinDate,EID

    i get which eid joined at which year but how do i group it . do i use sum

    Please read the book and check your syntax. 😉

  • --Question 11 .No of Employees Joined in each year, output of this query should be “Year”, “No Of Employees Joined”


    distinct DateOfJoin,

    COUNT(EmployeeID) No_Of_EmployeesJoined

    from tEmployee

    group by




    Need help? Help us help you.

  • tommey152 (3/30/2012)

    --Question 11 .No of Employees Joined in each year, output of this query should be “Year”, “No Of Employees Joined”


    distinct DateOfJoin,

    COUNT(EmployeeID) No_Of_EmployeesJoined

    from tEmployee

    group by



    The above code would return a single row per DateOfJoin -and- Employee.

    You should look into only grouping by the date and keep in mind the DATEPART you are wanting to group by to satisfy the question.

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