Help With Making Part of Details Invisible

  • I'm creating a report that looks like this:






    For the above example, I'm using one detail line and one parent group. Currently, the group header and footer are not being used.

    I'm wanting the report to look like this:






    Because the first three payments belong to Name1, I'm wanting the Name to be invisible if it has more than one payment, but keep the Name visible for the first payment to show that payments underneath it belongs to that same person.

    Hope my explaination was clear for everyone to understand.

    Thanks for the help.

  • If your parent group is based on Name, then add a header and put your name there instead of in the detail.

  • Daniel Bowlin (11/2/2011)

    If your parent group is based on Name, then add a header and put your name there instead of in the detail.

    I thought the same thing but that will offset the line items. The name will be on the header line and then the details will be on the details line.

    It would look something like this:





    I want:




  • If anyone is interested in a solution. Here goes:

    I used a statement called a Row/Partition within the select statement in my view. This is what I used:

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Contact_NameID, Contact_Name ORDER BY Contact_Name) as 'Payment Order by Client'

    This allows to give each payment a row number. if a client has multiple payments, this code will place a 1,2,3,4,....and so on.

    Then in my report, with everything in my details, I enter a IIF statement in the cells I want to make invisible after the first payment, which my report was the ContactID and Contact Name.

    =IIF(Fields!Payment_Order_by_Client.Value > "1", "", Fields!Contact_NameId.Value)

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