Help with parsing xml to get an element value

  • I have a table with a column Col1 of data type varchar(max).

    Col1 contains strings that are in XML format as below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>

    <Schedule xmlns="">
















    I need to extract the Timezone value (ie CDT).

    Can you help? Thank you!

  • Looking at the column data type ( varchar max) I suppose it is safe for me to look for <Timezone> and extract what comes after it up to </Timezone>.

    I don't have to parse it as xml.


  • This is what I came up with. Please help optimize it. Thank you!

    declare @x varchar(max)

    set @x = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><Schedule xmlns=""><StartDateTime>2013-03-25T16:05:26</StartDateTime><Timezone>CDT</Timezone><WeeklyRecurrence><WeeksInterval>2</WeeksInterval><DaysOfWeek><Sunday>true</Sunday><Monday>false</Monday><Tuesday>true</Tuesday><Wednesday>false</Wednesday><Thursday>false</Thursday><Friday>false</Friday><Saturday>false</Saturday></DaysOfWeek></WeeklyRecurrence></Schedule>'

    declare @StartPos int

    SELECT @StartPos= PATINDEX('%<Timezone>%', @x) + len('<Timezone>')

    select substring(@x,@startPos, PATINDEX('%</Timezone>%' , @x) - @StartPos) as TimezoneName

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