Help with query

  • SELECT l.Id, CRM.dbo.fn_ConvertSFDateTime(e.CreatedDate) AS lastevaluationdate__c, e.ProductId__c AS lastevaluationproduct__c

    FROM Customers.dbo.Evaluation__c AS e INNER JOIN

    Customers.dbo.Lead AS l ON l.Email = e.Email__c

    WHERE (l.IsDeleted = 0) AND (l.IsConverted = 0) AND (COALESCE (l.Last_Evaluation_Product__c, '') = '') AND (e.ProductId__c > '')

    I need to capture the most recent created date from the evaluation table, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly. I tried putting MAX in front of the e.CreatedDate, but got an error "Column 'l.Id' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Same for e.ProductId__c

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • littlelisa1111 (5/4/2012)

    SELECT l.Id, CRM.dbo.fn_ConvertSFDateTime(e.CreatedDate) AS lastevaluationdate__c, e.ProductId__c AS lastevaluationproduct__c

    FROM Customers.dbo.Evaluation__c AS e INNER JOIN

    Customers.dbo.Lead AS l ON l.Email = e.Email__c

    WHERE (l.IsDeleted = 0) AND (l.IsConverted = 0) AND (COALESCE (l.Last_Evaluation_Product__c, '') = '') AND (e.ProductId__c > '')

    I need to capture the most recent created date from the evaluation table, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly. I tried putting MAX in front of the e.CreatedDate, but got an error "Column 'l.Id' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause. Same for e.ProductId__c

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    depending on what you want to do there are 2 solutions

    do you want the same max(e.createddate) on every row? or do you want the max for that productid/ combination?

    if its the first then

    declare @maxdate datetime

    select @maxdate=max(createdate) from.....

    select ....,@maxdate from ....

    if it's the second then you need to add in a "group by" clause


  • I need the max date for each productid/

  • so the format of your query is

    select x,y,max(z)

    from mytable

    where x<5

    GROUP BY x,y

    you must include all columns (except those you are aggregating) into the group by clause


  • SELECT l.Id

    , MAX(CRM.dbo.fn_ConvertSFDateTime(e.CreatedDate)) AS lastevaluationdate__c

    , e.ProductId__c AS lastevaluationproduct__c

    FROM Customers.dbo.Evaluation__c AS e

    INNER JOIN Customers.dbo.Lead AS l ON l.Email = e.Email__c

    WHERE (l.IsDeleted = 0)

    AND (l.IsConverted = 0)

    AND (COALESCE (l.Last_Evaluation_Product__c, '') = '')

    AND (e.ProductId__c > '')

    GROUP BY l.Id,e.ProductId__c


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