help with query to compress the adjacent records into one

  • Heres a quick example over 20 thousand rows , yes i know i said at least a million , but im rushing to go home

    Drop table #dateList


    Create table #dateList


    UserId integer,

    DateCol smalldatetime



    create unique clustered index idxdateList on #dateList(userid,DateCol)


    with cteRown



    select top(10000) row_number() over (order by (select null)) as Rown

    from syscolumns a cross join syscolumns b


    insert into #dateList

    Select 1,dateadd(dd,rown,getdate())

    from cteRown

    where rown%7 <> 0


    with cteRown



    select top(10000) row_number() over (order by (select null)) as Rown

    from syscolumns a cross join syscolumns b


    insert into #dateList

    Select 2,dateadd(dd,rown,getdate())

    from cteRown

    where rown%6 <> 0


    with cteList



    Select userid,


    datecol + row_number() over (partition by userid order by datecol desc) as Grouping

    from #dateList


    select userid,min(datecol),max(datecol)

    from cteList

    group by userid,grouping

    order by 1,2

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • I suppose expanding the ranges could be expensive if the ranges are large.

    The original posted question looks like a simple 'data island' problem to me, so we should be able to handle it without expansion.

    A 'data island' is just a range where there is a gap in the data before and after the island.

    One approach is just to look for the start and stop dates which occur at the beginning and end of each island.

    Assuming that there are no duplicated start or stop dates in the data, and assuming there are no overlapping ranges, the following code is pretty efficient:

    CREATE TABLE #Example


    company VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    employee_id INTEGER NOT NULL,


    course_id INTEGER NOT NULL,

    start_date DATETIME NOT NULL,

    stop_date DATETIME NOT NULL,


    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 01, 11, '5 September 2006','27 August 2007');

    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 01, 11, '28 August 2007', '4 March 2008');

    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 01, 11, '5 March 2008', '20 April 2008');

    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 01, 11, '21 April 2008', '23 April 2008');

    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 02, 11, '24 April 2008', '20 September 2009');

    INSERT #Example (company, employee_id, id, course_id, start_date, stop_date) VALUES ('TTT', 1, 02, 11, '1 January 2010', '31 December 9999');

    WITH Grouped

    AS (

    -- Identify the groups in the input rows with a sequential number

    -- In this example, groups are identified by the combination of

    -- company, employee_id, id, and course_id

    SELECT E.*,

    grp = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY company, employee_id, id, course_id)

    FROM #Example E



    AS (

    -- Find start dates for each data island

    SELECT E1.*,

    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY E1.grp ORDER BY E1.start_date ASC)

    FROM Grouped E1



    SELECT *

    FROM Grouped E2

    WHERE E2.stop_date = E1.start_date - 1

    AND E2.grp = E1.grp




    AS (

    -- Find stop dates for each data island

    SELECT E1.*,

    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY E1.grp ORDER BY E1.start_date ASC)

    FROM Grouped E1



    SELECT *

    FROM Grouped E2

    WHERE E2.start_date - 1 = E1.stop_date

    AND E2.grp = E1.grp



    SELECT R.grp, -- Group ID

    R.rn, -- Island ID within each group

    R.start_date, -- The start of the island

    P.stop_date, -- The end of the island, --

    R.employee_id, -- Remaining rows are just group details, --

    R.course_id --

    FROM Starts AS R

    JOIN Stops AS P

    -- Join the islands together, for each group

    ON P.rn = R.rn

    AND P.grp = R.grp;

    DROP TABLE #Example;


  • Thank you paul. It worked perfect. That is exactly what I need.

  • Sridhar-137443 (2/23/2010)

    Thank you paul. It worked perfect. That is exactly what I need.

    Awesome, thanks.

  • Paul,

    What if you assumptions do not hold? Overlapping dates and duplicative start dates for the same person, group , etc?

  • I would say that Paul went out his way given the requirements that were provided to him.

    Perhaps you could write some logic that would account for these circumstances?

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