Help With REPLACE Function

  • Hello All,

    I'm having a heck of a time figuring this one out. I have a text field that I'm storing the html for web pages. Some tags were entered incorrectly and I need to replace some characters with an underscore. In every block of text that begins with <a href="# and ends with </a>, I have to replace each instance of %20 with an underscore.

    For example, if I have: <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    I need it to read: <a href="#Employee_Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    Does anyone have an idea of how to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Ruprecht (2/2/2010)

    Hello All,

    I'm having a heck of a time figuring this one out. I have a text field that I'm storing the html for web pages. Some tags were entered incorrectly and I need to replace some characters with an underscore. In every block of text that begins with <a href="# and ends with </a>, I have to replace each instance of %20 with an underscore.

    For example, if I have: <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    I need it to read: <a href="#Employee_Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    Does anyone have an idea of how to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance!


    Is this HTML stored in a table in SQL Server database? It was little unclear from your post. If it is,

    then this is how you will use replace function in the SQL statment.


  • Yes, the html is stored in a SQL 2005 database in a text column. My problem is, I can't use the REPLACE function the way you describe because the string is never the same. I have to parse the text and find strings that begin with <a href="# and end with </a>. I can only replace the %20 occurrences that meet this criteria because %20 shows up hundreds of times elsewhere.

  • If you store that string in a column why just not do:

    UPDATE my_table SET my_html_column = REPLACE(my_html_column,'%20','_')

    WHERE my_html_column LIKE '<a href="#%</a>'

    % character means any string that starts with <a href="# and ends with </a>

  • I don't simply store the tag in the text column, I store entire web pages. I need to sift through 5,000 lines of text to replace %20 with an underscore every time it's contained in a line that begins with <a href="# and ends with </a>. I can't replace every instance of %20, just the ones between the tags I just mentioned.

    Is this just not possible or am I not explaining my situation well enough?

  • Ruprecht I'm halfway there from a sinlge command solution, but i wanted to post an immedite fix right away; if this is a one-time solution, this would give you everything you need so you could create a simple REPLACe command to run to fix all the links;

    you didn't provide any example data, so i adapted a different example.

    basically, i'm using a tally table to find ever "DesiredString" between two delimiters, namely{a href="} and {">}

    this tally example shos that the desired string might occur multiple times in the string. for example, my DesiredString returns values like :





    --produces final results like

    UPDATE #Inventory_Trans SET Description = REPLACE(Description,'#Another%20Example','#Another_Example')

    UPDATE #Inventory_Trans SET Description = REPLACE(Description,'#Employee%20Manual','#Employee_Manual')

    I'm using the results to build a suite of REPLACE Statements dynamically for anything that contained '%20' explicitly between the htmltag delimiters i selected

    try this on a test table, and see if it does what you want:

    Create table #Inventory_Trans (OtherId int,Description varchar(max) )

    insert into #Inventory_Trans SELECT 1,'Transfer to location S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 55310-1 <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    SHOP RCVR ID 55334-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a><a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>

    Transfer to <a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>location F/MACHINE <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    SHOP RCVR ID 55329-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a>'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Transfer to location <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 77310-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a>

    Transfer <a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>to location E/MACHINE <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    SHOP RCVR ID 77334-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a>

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 6544-1

    Transfer to location <a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    ID 77378-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a>

    Transfer to <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a><a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>

    location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 77334-9

    Transfer to location F/MACHINE <a href="#ANonQualifyingLink">Non Qualifying Link</a>SHOP RCVR <a href="#Employee%20Manual">Employee Manual</a>

    ID 77329-1<a href="#Another%20Example">Another 20Example</a>'

    --now get the ID's using a tally table


    @pre varchar(10),

    @post varchar(10),

    @pr int,

    @po int,

    @st int

    set @pre = 'a href="'

    set @post = '">'

    set @pr = len(@pre)

    set @po = len(@post)

    set @st = 1

    ;WITH tally (N) as

    (SELECT TOP 10000 row_number() OVER (ORDER BY

    FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1

    CROSS JOIN Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2)

    SELECT top 30



    SUBSTRING( T2.Description,

    ( CASE T1.N WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE T1.N + @pr END ),

    ( CASE CHARINDEX( @post, T2.Description, T1.N + @pr ) WHEN 0 THEN LEN( T2.Description ) - T1.N + @pr

    ELSE CHARINDEX( @post, T2.Description, T1.N + @pr ) - ( T1.N + @pr ) END ) ) AS DesiredString ,

    Description as Description2

    Into #Results --capture into an intemediary table

    FROM Tally T1

    CROSS APPLY #Inventory_Trans T2

    WHERE N <= LEN( T2.Description )

    AND SUBSTRING( T2.Description, T1.N, @pr ) = @pre

    drop table #Inventory_Trans

    SELECT * from #Results

    select distinct 'UPDATE #Inventory_Trans SET Description = REPLACE(Description,''' + DesiredString + ''',REPLACE(DesiredString ,'%20','_')) '

    from #Results

    WHERE DesiredString LIKE '%!%20%' ESCAPE '!'

    --drop table #Results


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell, you sir, are a genius. Your solution worked perfectly. I can't thank you enough. Sorry I didn't include an example table and data, I'll be sure to remember next time.

  • Rup you might want to check for other iterations based on html differences; for examples spaces before/after the equals sign just to be sure;

    i'm glad this worked for you.


    set @pre = 'a href="'

    set @post = '">'


    set @pre = 'a href= "' --or 'a href ="' or 'a href = "'

    set @post = '">' -- or '" >'

    also you removed the limitation for TOP 30 right? when i tested it on a big table, i didn't need a million rows of results...but you'll need em all, so take that out.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Yep, I removed the TOP 30 limitation and I had to make a few minor changes to the script that generates the UPDATE statements, but other than that it worked like a charm. I checked and all of the tags were formed the same way, so I didn't have to worry about oddly placed spaces.

    Thanks again!

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