Help with Rollup

  • I am having a problem with custom rollup. I am trying to get rid of this total from every line and I couldn't.

    I have following data. And I am trying to find a way so that cubes, doesn't show Total for every member of my dimension.

    For Ex.


    Dim1.        Product                Total

                      1                        1000

    All Dim.1       2                        1500

                      3                         700

                      4                          500


    Mem1        All Product                 500

                       4                          500


    Mem2        All Product                 1500

                         2                        1500

    What I am looking for is ..

    Mem1             4                            500


    Mem2             2                              1500

    I used Unray Operator on the Product Dimension.. And let's say if I assign ~ for Product 2 then, this is what I get..

    Mem2            All Product

                            2                        1500

    But "All product" just doesn't go away. How do I get rid of that?

    Appreciate your help.


  • Which client tool are You using to view the data ?

    Using unary operators only tells AS how the data is to be summarized, not whic dimension members or levels are to be displayed.

    There is one thing you can do to get rid of "All Product" definitely(hide forever), and that is to:

    Edit the Product dimension and hide the "All Level", you can do this on the advanced tab of dimension properties.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Can you post your MDX statement up here for us to take a look?




  • Thanks rockmoose.

    That worked just great. I Changed "All  Level" Property from yes to No and it's working just the way I wanted. Thanks a lot for your help.


    I am not using any custome MDX, basically just querying cube. For the testing I was just querying it from Cube-- Browse data. But otherwise we use asp pages to get data from cubes at front end. I am not sure how can I pull this MDX statements for you.






  • You're right. You can't get the MDX out of the cube browser. Sounds like it desn't matter any more anyway!




  • Hello again,

    There is a small problem with this turning off ALL Level in this dimension. When we browse the cube through cube browser All the dimension is listed on the , in the dimension list on the top, next to the dimension that I turned off 'All level' I see default value of 1.( it has value from 1 to 217). So basically all the results that are dispalyed are filtered for this Dimension's value=1. When I select 2, I get all the results for value=2. There is no option for selecting all the values. I would like to get all the results without filtering for any single value and also not showing"All Level" for every single member.

    How can I do that?

    Thanks for your help.



  • 'Be careful what you wish for, you might get it'....  THis is functioning exactly as you've asked it to, with no all member, it's using the default member for the dimension (which if you didnt explicitly set it is the first member).  The option for selecting All the values is having an 'all' member.

    I would suggest that you use the MDX sample application (or similar) to generate the query that will not show the totals and put your 'all member'/s back in.  If you could post a possibly clearer example of what you're trying to achieve, I'm sure that someone here should be able to give you a head start on the MDX.  If you're presentation layer is asp, aren;t you hand-coding the mdx for these pages anyway?


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