Help with SQL Query

  • Hi,

    i got a table which resembles like

    Id Type Address City

    1 Home abc ca

    1 Office xyz al

    1 Work rjf mi

    2 Home efg oh

    2 Work opa mn

    3 Home sty ca

    Query for the table

    create table sample


    Id int not null,

    Type varchar(10),

    Address varchar(50),

    City varchar(5)


    insert into sample values(1,'Home','abc','ca')

    insert into sample values(1,'Office','xyz','al')

    insert into sample values(1,'Work','rjf','mi')

    insert into sample values(2,'Home','efg','oh')

    insert into sample values(2,'Work','opa','mn')

    insert into sample values(3,'Home','sty','ca')

    select * from sample

    I'm trying to write a query whihc produces result like


    1 ---- abc ---- ca ---- xyz ---- al ---- rjf ---- mi

    2 ---- efg ---- oh ---- Null ---- Null ---- opa --- mn

    3 ---- sty ---- ca---- Null ---- NUll ---- Null ---- Null

    Can some one help me out with this please

  • You are going to have to join this table back to itself. This is pretty basic. give it a try and post back what you tried. Yes, I could write the sql in about a minute but you wouldn't learn anything by simply copying and pasting.


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  • You could also have a look at the CrossTab article referenced in my signature.

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  • Sean Lange (8/30/2011)

    You are going to have to join this table back to itself. This is pretty basic. give it a try and post back what you tried. Yes, I could write the sql in about a minute but you wouldn't learn anything by simply copying and pasting.

    Join the table back to itself? Why would you do that? A cross-tab will do this easily and fast. OP provided us with ddl and test data, so I think he has earned the solution:

    select s.ID,

    max(case s.Type when 'Home' then s.Address end) as HAdd,

    max(case s.Type when 'Home' then s.City end) as Hcity,

    max(case s.Type when 'Office' then s.Address end) as oadd,

    max(case s.Type when 'Office' then s.City end) as ocity,

    max(case s.Type when 'Work' then s.Address end) as wadd,

    max(case s.Type when 'Work' then s.City end) as wcity

    from sample s

    group by s.ID

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Hey,

    I tried it but couldn't get the logic for that.

    I tried to use case statement but wasn't successful with that as it will be helpful for returning single cloumn.

    I'm not able to get the logic for that self join may be due to my poor coding skills 🙁 Can you let me know the logic so that i can try it out from there.

  • Excellent point!!

    R.P.Rozema (8/30/2011)

    OP provided us with ddl and test data, so I think he has earned the solution:

    The cross tab will outperform the self join but here is how you would do the self join (and slower) way. 😛

    select sh.ID, sh.Address, sh.City, so.Address as oadd, so.City as ocity, sw.Address as wadd, sw.City as wcity

    from sample sh

    left join sample so on so.ID = sh.ID and so.Type = 'Office'

    left join sample sw on sw.ID = sh.ID and sw.Type = 'Work'

    where sh.Type = 'Home'


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  • The following approach might cover for some missing Home Addrees values, too (that would be eliminated by the LEFT OUTER JOIN approach).

    But the CrossTab method posted by R.P.Rozema is definitely the way to go!


    COALESCE(,, AS id,

    MAX(s1.ADDRESS) AS HAddr,

    MAX(s1.City) AS Hcity,

    MAX(s2.ADDRESS) AS oAddr,

    MAX(s2.City) AS ocity,

    MAX(s3.ADDRESS) AS wAddr,

    MAX(s3.City) AS wcity


    (SELECT * FROM SAMPLE WHERE type ='Home') s1


    (SELECT * FROM SAMPLE WHERE type ='Office') s2 ON


    (SELECT * FROM SAMPLE WHERE type ='Work') s3 on


    Edit: added the COALESCE function to get all id values if there's a home addres missing. But that does also require a MAX() GROUP BY.

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  • @r.p,@sean,@lutz: thank you so much guys..

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