Help with subquery

  • Can anyone provide a sample code for the following scenario:


    Select some columns from table a and one column from table b. Join the two tables on a matching column, i.e. Id = ID. Return only record from this where b.value = min(b.value).



  • select * from

    TableA as A

    INNER JOIN TableB as B ON B.ID = A.ID

    WHERE B.value = (SELECT MIN(B.value) FROM B)

    I think this will work for you.

  • Thanks Mark but that did  not work. Here's the query:

    SELECT     LDR.LoanNumber




    FROM       viewLoanDatatotalRetail AS LDR

    INNER JOIN tblLoanDataLockHist AS LDH ON LDH.LoanNumber = LDR.LoanNumber

    WHERE LDH.Item = (SELECT MIN(LDH.Item) FROM tblLoanDataLockHist LDH)

    AND LDR.LoanNumber = '0000009333'

    The min(item) value for this loannumber is 994 and the query, as written, returns no records because the statement (Select Min(LDH.Item) FROM tblLoanDataLockHist LDH) is selecting the min(item) value for the whole tblLoanDataLockHist table whish is 764.

    Any other thoughts or suggestions?

  • In all fairness to Mark he got it right!  He's solution works for the question you originally stated.


  • Not trying to knock Mark at all and I apologize if it sounded that way. I appreciate any and all suggestions.

    Thank you Mark

  • Does this work?

    SELECT     LDR.LoanNumber




    FROM       viewLoanDatatotalRetail AS LDR

    INNER JOIN tblLoanDataLockHist AS LDH ON LDH.LoanNumber = LDR.LoanNumber

    WHERE LDH.Item =

        (SELECT MIN(LDH.Item)

         FROM tblLoanDataLockHist LDH

         Join viewLoanDatatotalRetail AS LDR

           On LDH.LoanNumber = LDR.LoanNumber

         Where LDR.LoanNumber = '0000009333')

    AND LDR.LoanNumber = '0000009333'



  • No worries Rick

    This might work as well for you


    SELECT LDR.LoanNumber




    FROM viewLoanDatatotalRetail AS LDR

    INNER JOIN tblLoanDataLockHist AS LDH ON LDH.LoanNumber = LDR.LoanNumber

    Where LDR.LoanNumber = '0000009333')

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