Help with this query (duplicate records)

  • Hi all, i have this data:


    (tesplan_id int,

    tesplan_name varchar(250)

    ,tc_external_id int

    ,tcversions_id int

    ,tc_name varchar(250)

    ,estimated_time int

    ,is_numeric int

    ,ticket int

    ,name varchar(150)

    ,prefix varchar(50)

    ,login varchar(50)

    ,Status char(1)

    ,EXECUTION_TS datetime)

    INSERT @data

    SELECT 115905,'CLARK_5.2.0.0_Testing_Plan',3010,108838,'TC_IM6909_Verify a skid can be associated to a WIP skid',70,1,108836,'IM6909','Clark-','christian.jurupe','p','2013-08-23 10:38:54.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 115905,'CLARK_5.2.0.0_Testing_Plan',3010,108838,'TC_IM6909_Verify a skid can be associated to a WIP skid',70,1,108836,'IM6909','Clark-','christian.jurupe','f','2013-08-22 16:54:43.000'

    select * from @data

    I want to stay with the last record executed (EXECUTION_TS), y mean with the '2013-08-23 10:38:54.000'.

    Thanks for the help!.


  • CTE's can really make this kind of query so easy!

    Try this out:

    ;with dups as


    Select tesplan_id, tc_external_id, tcversions_id, execution_ts,

    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by tesplan_id, tc_external_id, tcversions_id

    order by execution_ts desc) as RowNum

    from @data


    DELETE d1

    FROM dups d1

    WHERE d1.RowNum > 1

    How to Post to get the most:

  • Probably more preferred to just select from the CTE where the RowNum = 1?SELECT * FROM dups d1

    WHERE d1.RowNum = 1

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