Hide columns based on the other column value.

  • hi,
    I have a report where i am creating a report and when we save report to excel , it saves the data to different tabs based on a column "category" values.
    Example : category: Fruits , veggies , canned fruit .....something like this.

    Fruits will be saved to sheet1 , cannedfruit to sheet 2. etc....( this might  not  be good example but just for understanding my issue).

    So report consists of different columns  A,B,C,D,E, Category. I am showing Columns A-E based on category . But my situation is , 
    for category Fruits ( sheet1) , they want to show only A,B,C, E and not D. 

    I have written a expression on  column visibility property (D) not to show if category='Fruits. But the issue is it is not showing that column on any of the tabs:(
    ( this expression is on column visibilty on Column D)

    How can i solve this ?

  • My guess is that somehow you are looking at all values for Category on each "sheet".  Thus you would always have a single Category value of "Fruits".  A quick way of determining this would be to filter out all instances of "Fruits" and then see if the visibility expression works.  What you may need to do is create a column group or a specific filter group and then apply visibility expression.

    I hope this helps.

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