Hide Sub total in matrix

  • Hi

    How to hide total field when sub total is 0 ?

    Plaese help m eif any one knows ,I am trying from 1 day.

  • If you want to hide the complete row, then conditionally set the visibility of that row using something like "iif(sum(datacolumn)=0,false,true) "

    If its just the 0 that you want to disappear, try this

  • Thanks for reply.And i am getting space after the matrix.

    Can you plaese tell me that how can i remove ?

    tahnks for help

  • From your reply I gather that one or the other solution worked out for you.

    Make sure that the report area doesn't have a blank space below the matrix in design view.

  • Hi, anitha.cherukuri.

    have you tried something like?

    =IIF(Inscope("group2") Or Inscope("group1") Or Inscope("group1"),False,IIF(Parameters!YourParameter.value="Your Visibility value",False,True)) ' in hidden property

    RAQ Report: Web-based Excel-like Java reporting tool[/url]

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