High response times and queue lenthing duringlog back up

  • During log back up server almost hangs job takes 14 min runs every 1/2 hour

    Disk Queue Lenght is well over 1500

    Response time is over 15,000 MS

    lots of event ID 833 error in App log IO request greater the 15 seconds

    Server has 8 100GB plus DBs

    Data files are on 2 Raid 1+0 Logical drives 8 drives each

    Log drive is also on Raid 1+0 8 drives each

    none of our other servers have this issue

    hardware looks good no time outs bus error or hard read errors on drives

    everything is good after log back up finishes

    any idea's on how to fix this?

    During norman ops Disk IO goes over 100MB a second

    Durning back ups it only gets as high as 8MBs a second

  • Investigate the poor throughput and high latency on the log drive. If that's a SAN, look at the SAN diagnostics, check the switch usage stats, etc.

    Also maybe check your transaction log VLFs, see Kimberly Tripp's blog post on optimising transaction log throughput.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Drives are SAS attached

    Server HP SE326M1 attached storage HP MSA50

  • run DBCC LOGINFO against each database and check the number of rows returned for each, post back here if you can.

    It would also be advisable to check the configuration of the locally attached disks, make sure you haven't got any failed disks in the array


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" πŸ˜‰

  • Rows returned from DBCC LOGINFO

    DB528: 116 rows

    DB529: 116 rows

    DB530: 116 rows

    DB531: 113 rows

    db506: 116 rows

    DB510: 116 rows

    DB514: 153 rows

    DB518: 153 rows

    let me know if you want me to post the full output here are the first few lines

    FileId FileSize StartOffset FSeqNo Status Parity CreateLSN

    2 2555904 8192 748261 0 64 0

    2 2555904 2564096 748262 0 128 0

    2 2555904 5120000 748263 0 128 0

    2 2809856 7675904 748264 0 128 0

    2 253952 10485760 748265 0 64 8180000000457600592

    2 253952 10739712 748266 0 64 8180000000457600592

    2 253952 10993664 748267 0 64 8180000000457600592

    2 286720 11247616 748268 0 64 8180000000457600592

    2 262144 11534336 748269 0 64 8183000000037600590

    2 262144 11796480 748270 0 64 8183000000037600590

    2 262144 12058624 748271 0 64 8183000000037600590

    2 393216 12320768 748272 0 64 8183000000037600590

    2 327680 12713984 748273 0 64 8188000000010700595

    2 327680 13041664 748274 0 64 8188000000010700595

    2 327680 13369344 748275 0 64 8188000000010700595

    2 327680 13697024 748276 0 64 8188000000010700595

    2 327680 14024704 748277 0 128 8208000000025600595

    2 327680 14352384 748278 0 128 8208000000025600595

    2 327680 14680064 748279 0 128 8208000000025600595

  • 500 000+ rows for each DB?????

    That's seriously bad. Find Kimberly Tripp's article on transaction log throughput and read it.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • sorry those first 3 digits are DB numbers (DB name)

    read article

    rows are between 113 and 153 Rows

    thats not to many right?

    I am just a hardware guy ( Break Fix Tech)

    I think hardware is good

    Admin has had us change everything twice. except drives

    HP Server manager show no time outs no bus errors or any other errors

    Admin compares this to one of his other 100s of servers that have much smaller DB's (20GB) vs this server with 200 GB DBs says this is only one with issues.

    on other servers log back up takes about 1 min

    this server log takes 15 min server is unusable during log back up almost hangs

    this serer has 8 200+GB data bases maybe too much for it to handle? or does this this server have config issue?

    transation logs are large 1 is 50GB the reasted are about 20GB

    Server has 48 GB of mem

    SQL server 2008 R2

    OS 2008 Server

    only 4 of the DBs are being backup the back up files are 30MB each a checkpoint is being run with the backups

  • gmcrouch (3/3/2012)

    rows are between 113 and 153 Rows

    thats not to many right?

    That's still excessive, what size are each of the log files physically?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" πŸ˜‰

  • 1 is almost 50GB

    the rest are just over 20GB

    I just updated the post I am just a break fix tech.

    This admin thinks I am an expert and know how to fix everything but this is a little too much for me.

    I am sure the hardware is good.

  • The thing here is that there's not much that can cause very slow disk response other than the hardware. Doesn't have to be faulty, just slow or overused or incorrectly configured somewhere.

    If you're not sure where to look, maybe consider getting someone in to look into the problem for you?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (3/4/2012)

    If you're not sure where to look, maybe consider getting someone in to look into the problem for you?

    Agreed, all we have at present is an assurance the hardware is good and configured correctly.

    Have you checked to ensure the array has no failed disks?

    Where are you located geographically


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" πŸ˜‰

  • I tested a coping 100GB backup folder after log backup finished

    I copied the back up folder (100 GB) to log disk response time about 10MS

    IO 150 MB a second

    then I tested copy from log disk to back up disk

    same results 10 MS Response 150 MB sec IO

    both ways 100 GB took 9 minutes Queue Length less then 2

    During log back up IO does not get over 10MB a second

    response time is over 15000 MS Queue Length over 1500

    problem is only during Log back up

    I tried copy during log back up estimated time 2 days +

  • always good to make sure you're on the most recent firmware - if you end up calling your HW vendors' support, I am sure that they will point to this first.

  • We have hundreds of these servers they all manage a slice of a very large DB only difference I noticed is this server DB's are 10X larger then the DB's on the other servers. I looked at a few of the other servers and they are all 20GB DB's this ones DB's are 200 GB all are identical hardware same firmware this is only one with high response time. I think issue has to do with this server having much larger log files to handle that are very fragmented.

    Does this sound like a logical conclusion?

    on the other server log back up takes a minute.

    On this server the log backup takes 14 minutes during first minute of backup there are no problems but after log jobs been running for over a minute response time and queue length jump

    This server has been removed from the process it's replacement only has 20GB databases.

    Again I am just a hardware guy don't know much about the whole process just know the hardware looks good.

    going to try and get them to rebuild the data bases.

    all the hardware except drives has been changed.

    Servers been re-imaged twice. only thing that has changed is DB files

  • How are you doing your log backups? Are you using a third-party program for those backups? How large are the log backups?



    β€œHe is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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