Hoiw many computers do you use at home?

  • On a regular basis, that someone uses every week, not those old dusty ones in the basement.

    I have one on my desk, my laptop for Sat and Sun mornings with the kids (and Sun NFL), an iMac in the kitchen, a pc for the kids, and my wife has 3 on her desk as a consultant.

    7 used every week if not everyday.

  • I have a laptop from my work I almost always use (going online with it is free ). Apart from this I only use a Realtime brokerage system at work.

    Then the one of my elder son. I use it only when I download the MS newsgroups or need to do FTP. Both things aren't allowed by the firewall on the laptop.

    Hey, Steve, you've outperformed me by far on this

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • Of the ones I listed, the 2 XP desktops are used everyday by me or rest of the family. The XP HE laptop is the wifes and is used everyday (she works from home). The MAC is a play machine and when I get aroudn to it will be mostly for use by the 1 1/2 year old to bang and play on plus I can test some developement there. The 2 Jornadas will probably go away, at least 1 anyway as wife never really used, mine has been for playing with developement but I want something newer. The Windows 98 SE machine with the older hardware is used mostly when I need to scan a legal sized document or am scanning old family photos in bulk, and occasionally I use it for a hand scanner I have for scanning out of print books I own for archiving and safety. Lastly the multiboot machine is used on rare occassions I want to play with an older machine and some older softwares I have so I can use my older joystick and such for games and a virtual rack software system I purchased (I play guitar) which will not work on anything but 98. The VIrtual PCs are an awesome playground as I have backup clean images of lot's of stuff, things I would never really use but want to play with, testing software bits I write, playing with old applications like MS SQL 6.x or older, and beta testing things like Office where I can scrap the image quickly and start over in a blink. I have a 250 GB external mounted hard drive and plan on purchasing at least 4 more when the price is right.

  • Four refurbished Dells; very reliable and good price points when purchased.  Two w/XP Pro, one for me to develop on and one for the wife to VPN to her work.  One Windows Server 2003 w/SQL Server 2000 for me to fiddle with.  One XP Home for my 10 y.o. to play on.  Dare I ask, what does everyone use for backing up? 

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Lets see, 2 Mac's a G3 and a G4 both used for graphic Design. A PC (XP-Pro )with 5 instances of VMWare running, one XP-Pro one Server 2003 as a web server one with Server 2000 as a SQL Box and a Unix Host for Oracle and WIN 95 just incase I need some old stuff and a laptop. Does a handhelp Clie on a wireless network count ? LOL


    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • An old DELL 233 that I really must replace, but if it ain't broke...

    An XBOX - must get it chipped soon.

    Just given a friend my old Atari STFM1024.

    My Yamaha CVP307 can connect to the internet and do all sorts of weird and wonderful things, if only I could understand the manual.  I suppose that strictly speaking it is a computer but it is probably pushing the definition.

    If you give the definition an almighty heave and twist then I would include my Korg T3 workstation.

  • Single XP Pro at home.

    No SQL tools and haven't even got Access on.

    Used for email, Half-Life 2 and Rise Of Nations. Not work 😎

  • A 'home-brewed' AMD Athlon box that boots Win2K & Linux - used most days, also to dial-in to work. Sometimes another similar box that son uses at Uni & brings home in long vacations.

    A Toshiba 486 laptop the wife uses for book-keeping, tax, etc.,

    An old Vale 486, an Amiga and a 1K Commodore PET (complete with built-in tape drive for cassettes!)

  • A PET!!!!

    With the built in cassette means that it won't have a proper keyboard.  There was also a POKE command that allowed the processor clock to be adjusted.  The problem was that if you gave it a high enough value  there was a resistor on the motherboard that used to explode!

  • Three HP LPR 1000's one no name 1U dual PIII 800 four athlon xp's one athlon 64. 3.5 TB of total storage. That's just the ones in my house and currently running.


  • I have 7 networked computers at home. My wife and I both have a compter running XP. My 4 children each have a computer for thier school work since they are attending virtual charter school. Those computers are 3 XP Pros and one 2k. My oldest son also has a laptop running XP. All of these are connected to a linksys broadband router and a couple mini switches. Network works great.

    Eric Swartwout 

  • Hmmm, a PET? Wow, got me beat! I've got, in order of frequency of use, the following:

    Home-built Athlon64 3200+ with XP Pro for work, video, and GAMES! (The Radeon X800Pro helps

    Home-built Athlon XP 2800+ with Win2K Server for consulting work and games

    Home-built (a pattern there!) Athlon XP 1800+ with XP Pro and 98SE for testing and general internet stuff (the wife uses this one for her midi stuff, too

    Home-built PIII-500 with Win98SE for general file storage and backups

    Dell PIII 450 with NT4 as a test box for networking work

    Packard Bell (ugh!) 486DX2-66 with Win98 for low-level development testing and visiting kids

    2 Commodore 64's for the visiting kids with plenty of original games on 5.25 diskettes and cartridges (we have 16 nephews and nieces from 16 to 28 and 4 grand-nephews/nieces from 3months to 5years)

    1 Commodore Vic-20, just for kicks (remember Gorf?)

    Not counting the Vic-20, that is 8... I have a few strays I use occasionally with varying OSes from DOS6.2/Win3.11 to Win 2K Pro and ME

  • One Dell with Win XP Pro -- MINE, for homework, work, whatever.  No one else touches it.

    One IBM Aptiva with Win 98SE for my husband and the kids -- only games and MS Works on it.  It doesn't even have internet access right now.

    Then about three in the attic -- don't remember what's on them offhand.

  • 5 Desktops running XP home (1 for each member of the family)

    1 work laptop running Win2K Pro

    1 Linksys print server

    All networked with a Linksys Router/Switch


    Ross Hamilton

  • Hmmm.  Zero to two, depending on how you look at it.  I always have a really nice laptop furnished by work.  All personal and work info resides there so it stays where ever I am.

    My fiance decided she liked the laptop and had to have something to work on when I wasn't home.  So, I have a $2500 paper weight on my desk at all times.


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