Hoiw many computers do you use at home?

  • Have 2 workstations and 3 "for testing" play servers.  I use the two as part of my multimedia system. The custom built XP workhorse is too loud, due to 4 fans, for entertainment but is great for big chores so I also have a store bought XP Presario for playback.


  • 5 PCs and a PS2 that are used virtually every day. But I still don't have digital cable or HDTV.

    I'm thinking of scavenging some older pcs and fiddling around with a grid. Anybody got a grid at home?

    SuccessWare Software

  • Forgot to add that I am building a full-fledged HomeTheatre PC: Athlon64 (socket939), Radeon X800Pro with component video out to 65 Hitachi rear-projection HDTV, ATI HDTVWonder (actually works), XP MCE, 2GB RAM, 2X250GB SATA RAID, wireless KB and mouse, Saitek X52 flight/combat controller (flight sim nut!)

    This one will be up and running in the next 30 days.

    OMG, a Grid? I worked for H&R Block in Athens, GA in 1990-1994 and the first systems we had for electronic tax preparation and electronic filing were a bunch of "old" Grid 486SX machines! I actuall bought my first PC component for one of them I "borrowed" during the first off-season. That thing lasted about 15 minutes in the house before I had it apart, added a brand new $190 classic SB card, 8-bit all the way, and a $200 4MB video card... Those were the days, eh!

  • XP Pro 1.7 PIII used every day for work/school

    XP pro 667 Celeron used for school/play

    XP Pro IBM StinkPad 4 year old's play toy

    2 Chipped XBoxes used as "Media Centers"

    Compaq IPaq on wireless network for work/play

    - Vega

  • A Grid as in an old metal encased laptop? I would have no idea what you were talking about except that a colleague brought up the subject when I mentioned grid copmuting and he thought I meant a Grid computer.

    I mean grid as in a distributed computing architecture being pushed by IBM, Sun, HP, Intel and the Globus Consortium. I thinking that it won't be long until data warehouses are built on top of the suckers.


    SuccessWare Software

  • Hmm...

    Husband's personal, my personal, file server, test box, TV recording PC, handheld, PDA... 7 computers, with plenty of parts for more.

    Both my husband and I work in the computing industry

  • A relatively new Dell (2.8Ghz) with CD-burner and DVD for me and the wife. A surplus Compaq Deskpro from work that's configured for me to use VPN to access work, but mostly is used by my 5yo daughter to get to PBSKids, NickJr, etc. Both networked at 100mb to a LinkSys router. DSL at 1.5mb down.

    Work is pushing me from a desktop to a notebook. If they succeed we may get rid of the Compaq, buy a new Dell for us and give the old Dell to my daughter. The Compaq runs Win2K which doesn't work well for games. I'd bring my notebook home and plug it into the router/switch to access VPN.


  • Home-built Athlon 2800+ mostly for gaming, but also for a little fiddling with .Net/PHP/MySQL

    HP 1.7 GHz (1.7?! Dang thing is slower than my kids picking up their toys at the end of the day)

    Home-built Athlon 900 MHz for my kids to play on, faster at some things than the HP, though.

    so...<counts on fingers>...three

  • I only have 2 at home - an 2.8 GHz Dell running XP upstairs and an old Celeron 466 running Windows 98 in the basement.  The two machines are connected with a Microsoft MN 700 router and the XP machines backs up its data everyday using the basement machine as its backup location.  Otherwise the downstairs machine is used for playing around, internet access by the kids.  The upstairs machine is used by my wife for work, so no games and no kids.  I disabled the wireless access on the router since its not being used.  I will probably add a third computer to separate the backups and gaming or to provide a 3rd internet access point if I ever hope to use something at home.  Although frankly I use a computer all day, I really don't want to mess about with the beasts in the evening as well, which explains why the 3rd computer is still in pieces and not attached to the network yet.


  • 4 total... 

    - 1 "desktop" in the living room running Win2000 and hooked into the tv for music control and slideshow viewing

    - 1 desktop running XP home for my wife's office (she runs a business doing web design - http://www.platypidesigns.ca)

    - 1 desktop running Windows Server 2003 with SQL 2000, IIS6, MySQL installed, in my office.. generally my work computer

    - 1 laptop running XP home, used when either of us needs to go "on the road"

    All are networked with a Linksys wireless router - all wired in except the laptop that has a wireless card (I had the benefit of putting in the wiring throughout the house before the drywall went up )


  • Try this -

    1 X Pentium 100MHz, 128MB RAM, 10GB & 4GB HD, Win98SE.

    I haven't fired it up in a month and it was 3 months before that.

    I spend so much time at work I don't even want to see one when I get home.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • 1x Athlon 64 3200 dual boot between Win2k and Fedora Core 2.

    1x Athlon XP 2500+ running Fedora Core2, Free BSD or Win2k (depending on which drive it has in it. Have a library of them kept round for client development).

    1x Athlon 1700 running Debian Linux as file, print and mailserver.

    1x Celeron (800 I think) Laptop running Mandrake 9.2 for web browsing and mail reading/writing email.

    1 old Mac for checking net integration with macs (when needed)

    1x K6II 350 running Debian as a firewall.

    All except Mac are home builds.

  • 1x Athlon 64 3200 dual boot between Win2k and Fedora Core 2.

    1x Athlon XP 2500+ running Fedora Core2, Free BSD or Win2k (depending on which drive it has in it. Have a library of them kept round for client development).

    1x Athlon 1700 running Debian Linux as file, print and mailserver.

    1x Celeron (800 I think) Laptop running Mandrake 9.2 for web browsing and mail reading/writing email.

    1 old Mac for checking net integration with macs (when needed)

    1x K6II 350 running Debian as a firewall.

    All except Mac are home builds.

  • Oh... grid computing... haha... Thought we were waxing nostalgic there!

  • We have three in use at the house. Kids have one and two separate ones for work. Then there is the traveling laptop! No, the dog does not login!


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