How a DBA will propose to girl for marriage

  • Hi,

    How a DBA Will propose a girl for marriage.

    I selected u from * .

    pls help

  •      SELECT * FROM EmptyHalf


         SELECT * FROM BetterHalf


    (assuming you are a guy asking a woman...) 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • How bout

    SELECT TOP 1 FROM DatingPool WHERE Quality = 'Perfect' AND Compatibility = TRUE

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • The other side (Disclaimer, I'm not married)

    SELECT    'Married?' =


             WHEN Married IS NULL THEN 'Ambiguous'

             WHEN Married = 'NO' THEN MAX [Free Time]

             WHEN Married = 'YES' THEN .5*(Disposable income)




    FROM Status

  • AJ,

    Love it but I would add one more criteria

    "AND Brain IS NOT NULL" 

  • I'd love to get 1/2 !!!! 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • use pubs


    Create Procedure GetDataXML as

    -- This procedure will be used with FillDataSetXML

    select * from Hot for xml auto,elements

    select * from Single for xml auto,elements

    select * from CuteName for xml auto,elements


    Create Procedure GetDataNestedXML as

    -- This will return Nested XML.

    select * from Bar inner join Drunk

    on Bar.age_id >= Single.age_id

    order by Bar.job_desc for xml auto,elements



  • And the winner of spending TOO MUCH time thinking about this is GPF2^192 

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Real production DBAs never propose or suggest anything! They normally will hold the fort against any propositions or suggestions. The nature of the job.

    I assume all of other posts were about a Developmet DBA


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Now that's my kind of girl... married yet ??

  • my code aint for making the proposal.. for I would have to put somethng together in visio and msproject first then rounds of discussion of putting the team to together for planning/debugging/deployment/backup/alert management/disaster management life cycle...

    My stored procedure just would have worked as a way to get the various candidates sorted though my 'man' eyes.


  • To RGR'us:

    Real DBA don't disclose any status 🙂

    But I like your profile!!! (absence of any information)  You look like a real one!



    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • If only that were true, maybe soon ...

  • SELECT partner

    FROM world_population

    WHERE gender = 'FEMALE'

    AND isbreathing = 'TRUE'

    AND ismarried = 'FALSE'

  • SELECT partner

    FROM world_population

    WHERE gender = 'FEMALE'

    AND isbreathing = 'TRUE'

    AND ismarried = 'FALSE'

    And here you will get the one and only mate for you.



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